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What's the relationship between this two-way hierarchical table and the stacked barchart?

I have the first impression the hierarchical two way table, it throws out the gasoline, it creates a new category called "other food at home" How to reconcile the numbers under Food at Home ...
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Do's and don'ts when presenting data in tables [duplicate]

When presenting data under the form of a table, an error can be to omit mentioning the unit of measure, leading to possible misinterpretation. What are some other possible mistakes to avoid? ...
J-J-J's user avatar
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Graphic representation of averages

I have a series of averages. One of these however turns out to take too high a value due to a N. low equal to 1. Let me explain better by means of an example: I have to calculate the averages of the ...
Laura Santangelo's user avatar
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How to read the following table of data?

I have downloaded the following table from for car rental market. Does Turnover (£000s) mean the the values should be multiplied by 1000? I.e....
Stretch0's user avatar
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How can I visualize decision tree leaves in tabular form effectively?

I have a decision tree from a classification model that is 6 levels deep and has about 30 different leaf nodes. In a table, I want to sort each leaf node by training probability, and capture ...
Max Candocia's user avatar
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How to efficiently present graph for this data

I have three variables. In the first table CPU value is fixed and similarly in the second. If I generate a graph for this data there will be four different graphs and then another four graphs if ...
gohar shah's user avatar
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Data Visualization: Summary Statistics

I have 10,463 observations of crop yield data, however, they are subdivided into 6 crops (~2000 obs each). I am wondering if it is best to report a summary statistics table by crop (maybe 3 crops per ...
Brennan's user avatar
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How to convert a graph into a table [duplicate]

I have seen lots of examples of how to create a table in R from a data.frame, but my question is how can I create a table from a ...
Katie's user avatar
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Plotting sparklines in R

I would like to use R to plot out something like this: It would seem possible but highly complex to keep track of the coordinates, width, height, etc. Intuitively it would seem best to treat each ...
Ming K's user avatar
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Boxplots as tables

We are preparing a manuscript and the editor asked us to convert a figure with a boxplot into a table "because of the more exact data content". While I think boxplots are pretty decent in revealing ...
Roman Luštrik's user avatar