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Results for fisher transform* correl*
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40 votes

Such thing as a weighted correlation?

One thing that could be done is to use Fisher's $z$-transformation as described on MathOverflow, i.e. $$ \bar\rho = \tanh \left(\frac{\sum_{j=1}^K \tanh^{-1}(\rho_j)}{K} \right) $$ It reduces the skewness … Averaging Correlations: Expected Values and Bias in Combined Pearson rs and Fisher's z Transformations, The Journal of General Psychology, 125(3), 245-261. …
Tim's user avatar
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38 votes

What test can I use to compare slopes from two or more regression models?

If I understand the question, you can compare Pearson correlations with a Fisher transform, also called a "Fisher's r-to-z", as follows. … A Fisher's r-to-z comparison indicated that the Pearson correlation for I. Setosa (r = 0.28) was significantly lower (p = 0.02) than I. Versicolor (r = 0.55). Similarly, the correlation for I. …
Kayle Sawyer's user avatar
33 votes

Averaging correlation values

For Pearson correlation coefficients, it is generally appropriate to transform the r values using a Fisher z transformation. Then average the z-values and convert the average back to an r value. …
Amyunimus's user avatar
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31 votes

Evaluation measures of goodness or validity of clustering (without having truth labels)

Considering the question of distance matrix transform it is also useful to inquire about how this or that clustering criterion reacts to transforming of matrix elements. … Clustering criteria based on ideology of “cophenetic” correlation (correlation between likeness of objects and their falling into same cluster). Point-biserial correlation is usual Pearson r. …
ttnphns's user avatar
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30 votes

How to compare the strength of two Pearson correlations?

Well, it's different in that it's bound between -1,1, it doesn't have the proper distribution, so you need to Fisher transform it before doing inference (and back transform it afterwards, if you want to … And you do not even know the exact difference, even if you do some inference, e.g. by calculating the CI for the differences between the two correlations. …
jona's user avatar
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30 votes

Does transformation of r into Fisher z benefit a meta-analysis?

There is actually quite a bit of a debate in the literature whether one should conduct a meta-analysis with the raw correlation coefficients or with the r-to-z transformed values. … On the other hand, the sampling variance of an r-to-z transformed correlation is approximately equal to: $$\text{Var}[z] = \frac{1}{n-3}$$ Note that this no longer depends on any unknown quantities. …
Wolfgang's user avatar
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28 votes

How to calculate a confidence interval for Spearman's rank correlation?

In a nutshell, a 95% confidence interval is given by $$\tanh(\operatorname{atanh}r\pm1.96/\sqrt{n-3}),$$ where $r$ is the estimate of the correlation and $n$ is the sample size. … Explanation: The Fisher transformation is atanh. …
onestop's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

How to calculate a confidence interval for Spearman's rank correlation?

Wikipedia has a Fisher transform of the Spearman rank correlation to an approximate z-score. Perhaps that z-score is the difference from null hypothesis (rank correlation 0)? … use the Fisher transform to get the 95% confidence interval? …
dfrankow's user avatar
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20 votes

Quantile Transformation with Gaussian Distribution - Sklearn Implementation

Note that this transform is non-linear. … It does, however, distort correlations and distances within and across features. …
A. G.'s user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

When is Fisher's z-transform appropriate?

I want to test a sample correlation $r$ for significance, using p-values, that is $H_0: \rho = 0, \; H_1: \rho \neq 0.$ I have understood that I can use Fisher's z-transform to calculate this by $ … My question is: how large $n$ should be for this to be an appropriate transformation? Obviously, $n$ must be larger than 3. …
Gunnhild's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Significance of average correlation coefficient

My null hypothesis is that in the general population, this correlation is equal to zero. … coefficient (and let's assume we've obtained this using Fisher's transformation on the per-subject coefficients first) and $n$ the number of observations. …
Ruben van Bergen's user avatar
15 votes

Can p-values for Pearson's correlation test be computed just from correlation coefficient an...

Yes, it can be done, if you use Fisher's R-to-z transformation. Other methods (e.g. bootstrap) can have some advantages but require the original data. … The logical conclusion is that you probably don't even need a test at all (especially not a test of the so-called ‘nil’ hypothesis that the correlation is 0). …
Gala's user avatar
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15 votes

Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure of linear correlation - proof

This expression for $Z$ is recognizable as the Fisher transformation of $\rho$, and therefore is equivalent to $\rho$ for assessing linearity. … One can go further and demonstrate that, among all the possible invertible monotonic transformations of $Z$, $\rho = \tanh(z)$ enjoys a special relationship to measures of linearity in simple ordinary …
whuber's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Significance test on the difference of Spearman's correlation coefficient

Let $z_A$ = the Fisher transform of the observed correlation of set $A$, $z_B$ = the Fisher transform of the observed correlation of set $B$. … For $i = 1,\dots,n$, let $y_{A_i} = nz_A- (n - 1)z_{A'i}$, where $z_{A'i}$ is the Fisher transform of set $A$ of the one-left-out correlation obtained by deleting $(x_i,y_i)$, re-ranking, and re-computing …
Patrick Chan's user avatar
14 votes

How to calculate a confidence interval for Spearman's rank correlation?

Maybe some additional remarks about the comment of @chl The Spearman correlation can be seen as a Pearson correlation of the ranks. … Ranks clearly do not follow a normal distribution, with the consequence that the variance of the Fisher transformation ($\zeta$) is not well approximated by $(n-3)^{-1}$ especially at large absolute values …
retodomax's user avatar
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