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Results for regression diagnostic plot
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81 votes

Obtaining predicted values (Y=1 or 0) from a logistic regression model fit

For example, if your classifier were aiming to evaluate a diagnostic test for a serious disease that has a relatively safe cure, the sensitivity is far more important that the specificity. … In this example the data comes from a logistic regression model with three predictors (see R code below plot). …
Macro's user avatar
  • 45.8k
64 votes

Interpreting QQplot - Is there any rule of thumb to decide for non-normality?

ytpos[i],cn[i]) } par(opar) Note that this was just for the purposes of illustration; I wanted a small data set that looked mildly non-normal which is why I used the residuals from a linear regression … However, if I was actually generating such a display for a set of residuals for a regression, I'd regress all 25 data sets on the same $x$'s as in the model, and display QQ plots of their residuals, since …
Glen_b's user avatar
  • 290k
64 votes

Is it true that the percentile bootstrap should never be used?

Looking at diagnostic plots, as always, helps avoid potential errors incurred by just accepting the output of a software routine. … Bootstrapping regression models in R. An Appendix to An R Companion to Applied Regression, Third Edition (Sage, 2019). Revision as of 21 September 2018. DiCiccio, T. J. and Efron, B. …
EdM's user avatar
  • 102k
56 votes

Analysis with complex data, anything different?

This answer also includes some suggested ways to display the data and present diagnostic plots of the fit. … These results, the plots, and the diagnostic plots all suggest that the complex regression formula works correctly and achieves something different than separate linear regressions of the real and imaginary …
whuber's user avatar
  • 334k
52 votes

What does an Added Variable Plot (Partial Regression Plot) explain in a multiple regression?

So for example, the slope you can see in each plot now reflects the partial regression coefficients from your original multiple regression model. … A lot of the value of an added variable plot comes at the regression diagnostic stage, especially since the residuals in the added variable plot are precisely the residuals from the original multiple regression
Silverfish's user avatar
  • 23.9k
50 votes

Visualising many variables in one plot

Some groups plot high, some low, and so forth. I won't attempt an interpretation here: the data are anonymous, but that is the researcher's concern in any case. … Examples could be multiplied, scatter plots, model diagnostic plots, etc. …
Nick Cox's user avatar
  • 59.5k
46 votes

Assumptions of multiple regression: how is normality assumption different from constant vari...

Notice that the "true" (population) regression line does not change with respect to the population regression line under homoskedasticity in the first plot (solid dark blue), but it is intuitively clear … The diagnostic plots on the dataset are... …
Antoni Parellada's user avatar
41 votes

Diagnostics for logistic regression?

See examples in Stata for this UCLA page on Logistic Regression Diagnostics along with other potential diagnostic procedures. I don't have it handy, but I believe J. … Scott Long's Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables goes in to sufficient detail on all of these different diagnostic measures in a simple manner. …
Andy W's user avatar
  • 16.3k
37 votes

Where did the frequentist-Bayesian debate go?

So if you don't like the normality assumption for your linear regression, you can build a regression with Student errors, and let the data generate an estimate of the degrees of freedom, or you can become … The mainstream approach would be to build a Q-Q plot of studentized residuals and remove outliers, and this is, again, so much simpler. …
36 votes

What is rank deficiency, and how to deal with it?

Random effects, however, greatly complicate the interpretation, numerical estimation routine, and inference on the fixed effects (what you typically think of as regression coefficients in a "regular" regression … Look at a panel plot of the clusters showing exposure or regressor of interest against the outcome using a smoother. …
AdamO's user avatar
  • 64.8k
36 votes

Checking assumptions lmer/lme mixed models in R

So a transformation or adding weights to the model would be a way of taking care of this (and checking with diagnostic plots, of course). … Q3: plot(myModel.lme) Q4: qqnorm(myModel.lme, ~ranef(., level=2)). This code will allow you to make QQ plots for each level of the random effects. …
Moose's user avatar
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36 votes

How do the number of imputations & the maximum iterations affect accuracy in multiple imputa...

For example, continuous data are imputed by predictive mean matching by default, and this usually works very well, but Bayesian linear regression, and several others including a multilevel model for nested … By inspecting the trace plots generated by plot() this can be visually determined. …
Robert Long's user avatar
  • 65.8k
34 votes

When to use simulations?

This approach is advocated, for example, by Gelman and Hill in "Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models", where they describe simulation-based Bayesian estimation as a "next step … " in regression modeling. 5. …
Tim's user avatar
  • 141k
33 votes

Diagnostics for generalized linear (mixed) models (specifically residuals)

Hill (2006): Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, Cambridge University Press. [64] - N.J. Gotelli, A.M. … Harrell (2001): Regression Modeling Strategies, Springer. [66] - J.K. Lindsey (1997): Applying Generalized Linear Models, Springer. [67] - W. Venables, B.D. …
Stefan's user avatar
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29 votes

What is the difference in what AIC and c-statistic (AUC) actually measure for model fit?

That is, logistic regression gives you the best overall number of correct predictions, without any preference for positive or negative. … If you are just constructing a score, but not specifying the diagnostic threshold, then AUC approaches are needed (with the following caveat about AUC itself). …
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