New answers tagged kullback-leibler
Variational Autoenconder reconstruction loss dominates kl loss
In my scenario, I have over a thousand features, and the kl loss was drowned out by the reconstruction loss. One thing that seems to be working for me is to scale the reconstruction loss based on the ...
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kullback-leibler × 543distributions × 91
information-theory × 79
machine-learning × 59
probability × 59
entropy × 55
mathematical-statistics × 46
normal-distribution × 38
bayesian × 37
distance × 34
cross-entropy × 34
variational-bayes × 33
autoencoders × 27
divergence × 27
maximum-likelihood × 22
expected-value × 19
mutual-information × 19
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neural-networks × 16
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likelihood × 14
loss-functions × 14
self-study × 13
python × 13
model-selection × 12