New answers tagged median
Standard deviation on Bimodal data
Despite the problems with definitions of quartiles and wording about them, there is a good question here: Are mean and SD "useful" for bimodal data?
The answer, unfortunately, is "it ...
When the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) is zero
There is no unique true definition of what an outlier actually is, and in practice how to deal with outliers and how to identify them should always depend on the meaning of the data (i.e., are there ...
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median × 767mean × 225
r × 67
distributions × 61
descriptive-statistics × 55
mathematical-statistics × 39
hypothesis-testing × 37
confidence-interval × 37
mode × 34
bootstrap × 31
quantiles × 31
probability × 30
outliers × 28
self-study × 27
nonparametric × 26
wilcoxon-mann-whitney-test × 26
normal-distribution × 25
variance × 25
statistical-significance × 23
robust × 23
skewness × 21
mad × 21
survival × 19
estimation × 18
standard-deviation × 18