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245 votes

How does Keras 'Embedding' layer work?

In fact, the output vectors are not computed from the input using any mathematical operation. Instead, each input integer is used as the index to access a table that contains all possible vectors. ...
Daniel López's user avatar
41 votes

How does negative sampling work in word2vec?

The issue There are some issues with learning the word vectors using an "standard" neural network. In this way, the word vectors are learned while the network learns to predict the next word given a ...
turdus-merula's user avatar
37 votes

How the embedding layer is trained in Keras Embedding layer

Embedding layers in Keras are trained just like any other layer in your network architecture: they are tuned to minimize the loss function by using the selected optimization method. The major ...
Daniel López's user avatar
33 votes

Apply word embeddings to entire document, to get a feature vector

One simple technique that seems to work reasonably well for short texts (e.g., a sentence or a tweet) is to compute the vector for each word in the document, and then aggregate them using the ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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25 votes

Why is skip-gram better for infrequent words than CBOW?

Here is my oversimplified and rather naive understanding of the difference: As we know, CBOW is learning to predict the word by the context. Or maximize the probability of the target word by looking ...
Serhiy's user avatar
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23 votes

What does average of word2vec vector mean?

You can think of it in terms of physical analogy. You can take a flat surface, like a table, and arrange 30 balls on it. Then you can cut legs from the table and replace it with a single leg. In order ...
itdxer's user avatar
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19 votes

How does Keras 'Embedding' layer work?

I also had the same question and after reading a couple of posts and materials I think I figured out what embedding layer role is. I think this post is also helpful to understand, however, I really ...
Novin Shahroudi's user avatar
17 votes

What are the pros and cons of applying pointwise mutual information on a word cooccurrence matrix before SVD?

according to Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin book: "It turns out, however, that simple frequency isn’t the best measure of association between words. One problem is that raw frequency is very skewed ...
Maryam Hnr's user avatar
16 votes

How to determine parameters for t-SNE for reducing dimensions?

I highly reccomend the article How to Use t-SNE Effectively. It has great animated plots of the tsne fitting process, and was the first source that actually gave me an intuitive understanding of what ...
Zach's user avatar
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16 votes

How does Keras 'Embedding' layer work?

If you're more interested in the "mechanics", the embedding layer is basically a matrix which can be considered a transformation from your discrete and sparse 1-hot-vector into a continuous and dense ...
Maverick Meerkat's user avatar
15 votes

What does average of word2vec vector mean?

This means that embedding of all words are averaged, and thus we get a 1D vector of features corresponding to each tweet. This data format is what typical machine learning models expect, so in a sense ...
Akavall's user avatar
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14 votes

Inverse word embedding: vector to word

There is no one 'right' way to turn wordvectors back into words. The issue is that the words themselves form a discrete set of points in the embedding space, and so the output of a model is very ...
Chris Cundy's user avatar
10 votes

What is difference between keras embedding layer and word2vec?

Embeddings (in general, not only in Keras) are methods for learning vector representations of categorical data. They are most commonly used for working with textual data. Word2vec and GloVe are two ...
Tim's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the intuition behind the positional cosine encoding in the transformer network?

In positional encoding you encode the dimension with different frequency waves. Together with a position (on this wave) this gives you encoding that corresponds to each input. The encoding is ...
Aksakal's user avatar
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9 votes

How to train sentence/paragraph/document embeddings?

There are dozens of ways to produce sentence embedding. We can group them into 3 types: Unordered/Weakly Ordered: things like Bag of Words, Bag of ngrams Dimentionality reduced versions of the above ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
8 votes

What does word embedding weighted by tf-idf mean?

This quote is clearly talking about sentence embeddings, obtained from word embeddings. If the sentence $s$ consists of words $(w_1, ..., w_n)$, we'd like to define an embedding vector $Emb_s(s) \in \...
Maxim's user avatar
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7 votes

Understanding Word2Vec

what are my actual word vectors in the end? The actual word vectors are the hidden representations $h$ Basically, multiplying a one hot vector with $\mathbf{W_{V\times N}}$ will give you a $1$$\times$...
aneesh joshi's user avatar
7 votes

What is Contextual Embedding?

The contextual embedding of a word is just the corresponding hidden state of a bi-GRU: In our model the document encoder $f$ is implemented as a bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) network ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes

Word embeddings with logistic regression

While it's possible to combine word embeddings using weighted average or a concatenation of min / max values across word vectors as described in this post, the output vector loses semantic information....
Vadim Smolyakov's user avatar
7 votes

merging two word embedding models?

Let's call word2vec vector model $W$ & glove $G$. Now, an embedding is just a vector and $W$ is a vector space. These two embeddings are in different vector spaces. You need to either align the ...
kamalbanga's user avatar
7 votes

How the embedding layer is trained in Keras Embedding layer

The embedding layer is just a projection from discrete and sparse 1-hot-vector into a continuous and dense latent space. It is a matrix of size (n,...
Maverick Meerkat's user avatar
7 votes

Word2Vec : Difference between the two Weight matrices

They both capture the word semantics. Not only W, sometimes W' is also used as word vectors. Even in somecases (W+W')/2 has also been used and better results in ...
bytestorm's user avatar
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7 votes

Facebook's infersent intuition

First of all, many tricks in deep learning are used because they were "proved to work", with post factum theoretical rationalizations. So in many cases the "why" questions can be only answered in ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does BERT has a limitation of only allowing the maximum length of the input tokens as 512?

It's an arbitrary value. It is the longest length of input vector they assumed to be possible. Presumably, they didn't have longer vectors in the training set. Moreover, you can always truncate a ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes

How to compare the semantic similarity of text generated by large language models (GPT-3, BLOOM etc) to reference text?

How can I compare the semantic similarity of the answer it provides me with a reference question? With a text generation metric. See Evaluation of Text Generation: A Survey. Typical metrics: TF-IDF ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
6 votes

deep learning - word embedding with parts of speech

1. Concatenating word2vec and POS features Adding POS information to your classifier is fine. You will of course want to create a train/dev/test split, eg 5-way cross-validation, to test to what ...
Hugh Perkins's user avatar
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6 votes

What exactly is meant by isotropic and anisotropic with word vectors

It seems that the authors are writing about all words in the vocabulary. From the paper: In all layers of all three models, the contextualized word representations of all words are not isotropic: ...
Sycorax's user avatar
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5 votes

Word2vec that can distinguish words with different meanings

You're right that word2vec can't distinguish between 'palm' the tree and 'palm' the part of a hand, and related problems. More broadly, it struggles to handle polysemy and homonymy. The typical way to ...
Arya McCarthy's user avatar
5 votes

What does average of word2vec vector mean?

You have a tweet $T$, which is composed of words $w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_n$. Each word has a word2vec embedding $u_{w_1},u_{w_2},..,u_{w_n}$. So you define the tweet embedding as: $u_T:=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Negative values in word vectorizations

I'm unclear why this is exactly the case- why are non-negative elements not useful for comparing documents that don't share terms? Just because two documents don't share terms doesn't mean they're ...
Jakub Bartczuk's user avatar

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