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TrungDung's user avatar
TrungDung's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

Why do we not interpret main effects if interaction terms are significant in ANOVA?

3 votes

How to jointly model $N$ groups where data in each group is i.i.d. Normal and infer the posterior distribution?

3 votes

M-estimators: textbook examples

2 votes

R - How to use sex in linear regression

2 votes

How to model this multivariate longitudinal data?

2 votes

Serial correlation AR(1) model for residuals: how to generalize to irregular times

2 votes

Is it possible to interchange the quantile operator and a measurable monotone function? $Q_\theta(f(X)) = f(Q_\theta(X))$

1 vote

Intuition behind calculating a z-score

1 vote

Proof that the coefficient on a binary predictor in a simple OLS is equal to difference in means of the outcome for that predictor?

1 vote

Example of a biased estimator?

1 vote

Can we calculate the standard error of prediction just based on simple linear regression output?

1 vote

how to overcome error while defining multiple loops for model specification in OpenBUGS?

1 vote

Interview question: If correlation doesn't imply causation, how do you detect causation?

1 vote

A soft question about probabilistic inference

0 votes

What standard deviation is used for calculating standard error?

0 votes

What are advantages and disadvantages of bernoulli assignment/randomization?

0 votes

Best book for learn principal component analysis

0 votes

How to built Gibbs sampler of Mixture Bayesian regression in R?

0 votes

Sequential updating of a Bayesian regression model

0 votes

What are the differences between the likelihood functions in Maximum Likelihood Estimation and in the Bayes' Theorem?

0 votes

Real-life example in which Markov chain Monte Carlo is desirable?

0 votes

How to calculate standard error of prediction

0 votes

Sampling distribution of the p-value

0 votes

Bayesian approach for getting the distribution of sum of predicted values

0 votes

Multiple solutions for linear equations