ROC curves were generated using ROCR package using only actual and predicted labels(from a SVM) as input.
A1_prd <- prediction(A1$Original, A1$Predicted)
A1_prf <- performance(A1_prd, "tpr", "fpr")
A2_prd <- prediction(A2$Original, A2$Predicted)
A2_prf <- performance(A2_prd, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(A1_prf, col = 3)
plot(A2_prf, col = 4, add = T)
>head(A1) # Similar for A2
Original Predicted
1 -1 1
2 -1 -1
3 -1 1
4 -1 1
5 -1 1
6 -1 -1
Generally ROC curves have typical staircase/curve style appearance, but the plot generated by ROCR doesn't resemble it. I wonder if it is a valid ROC to infer. Please clarify.
package. I don't have any threshold values, and only have correct and predicted labels. $\endgroup$