Based on this source, it looks like under the null the autocorrelation is asymptoticaly standard normal. The 5% critical values of the autocorrelation at any given lag $d$ ($d \neq 0$) are
$$\pm \frac{1.96}{\sqrt{T-d}}$$
where $T$ is the sample size.
In your case, $T=1000$, so the critical values for lag 1 are $\pm \frac{1.96}{\sqrt{1000-1}} \approx 0.06201$, for lag 2 are $\pm \frac{1.96}{\sqrt{1000-2}} \approx 0.06204$, and so on.
Mind also a note from another source:
Additionally, in small sample conditions ... this test may be overly conservative such that the null hypothesis is rejected (residuals indicated as non-white) less often than indicated by the chosen significance level (Lutkepohl, 2006).
However, it is not likely to be relevant for a sample as large as 1000.
Related question: "How is the confidence interval calculated for the ACF function?".
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