I think a repeated design ANOVA would be suitable here. That is, as long as the assumption of sphericity is met in your data.
In the repeated design ANOVA, you can still benefit from your knowledge of tank groups, by using the tank id to capture tank related variability within those groups.
Here is an example in R. I generated data simulating 3 different effect types.
1) difference over time points,
2) interaction between time points and tank - would identify if something in the tanks is mediating the effects of the dependent variable.
3) difference due only to tanks - say for example if you unknowingly had wildly different tank water temperatures.
# example, with 5 tanks, 4 time points, and 5 fish in each tank:
# Data frame is set up like this:
# tank_id time_point dep_var
# 1 1 1 0.25
# 2 1 1 0.05
# 3 1 1 0.25
# 4 1 1 0.15
# 5 1 1 0.45
# 6 1 2 0.30
# 7 1 2 0.60
# 8 1 2 0.50
# 9 1 2 1.00
# 10 1 2 0.90
# 11 1 3 0.90
# ...
# 91 5 3 3.00
# 92 5 3 2.25
# 93 5 3 2.25
# 94 5 3 7.50
# 95 5 3 1.50
# 96 5 4 4.00
# 97 5 4 9.00
# 98 5 4 9.00
# 99 5 4 1.00
# 100 5 4 7.00
tank_ids = sort(rep(1:5, 20))
time_points = rep(sort(rep(1:4, 5)),5)
# three examples:
# 1) with variance sourced from time point
# generate dataset with variance sourced from time point
measurement = sample.int(100, n=10, replace = TRUE) * (time_points/max(time_points))
# build data frame for this test
myData <- data.frame(tank_id = tank_ids,
time_point = time_points,
dep_var = measurement)
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# time_point 1 256.7 256.69 72.20 2.5e-13 ***
# tank_id:time_point 1 2.5 2.53 0.71 0.401
# Residuals 96 341.3 3.56
# 2) with variance sourced from interaction
# generate dataset with variance sourced from time point and tank_ids interaction
measurement = sample.int(100, n=10, replace = TRUE) * (tank_ids/max(tank_ids)) * (time_points/max(time_points))
# build data frame for this test
myData <- data.frame(tank_id = tank_ids,
time_point = time_points,
dep_var = measurement)
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# time_point 1 82.66 82.66 48.610 3.96e-10 ***
# tank_id:time_point 1 13.78 13.78 8.105 0.0054 **
# Residuals 96 163.25 1.70
# 3) with variance sourced from tank_ids only
# generate dataset with variance sourced from tank_ids only
measurement = sample.int(100, n=10, replace = TRUE) * (tank_ids/max(tank_ids))
# build data frame for this test
myData <- data.frame(tank_id = tank_ids,
time_point = time_points,
dep_var = measurement)
# there should be no significant terms on this version, since all variability
# should be partitioned by the tank id error term
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# time_point 1 0.08 0.077 0.024 0.878
# tank_id:time_point 1 1.54 1.537 0.477 0.492
# Residuals 96 309.34 3.222