I am in a weird position where I prespecified a plan to use linear regression to analyze my data, and stated I would use transformations to address any assumption violations. I'm pretty certain my data are not suitable for linear regression, nor will they be fixed with a transformation. I plan to use a more appropriate analysis, but I'd like to at least entertain the possibility that these data could be transformed OR that they are still acceptable for linear regression. Any ideas for transformations and/or opinions about whether or not it's acceptable to use linear regression with these data?
Edit: I know that survival analysis is more appropriate given that the data are right censored (the response variable is amount of time subjects waited before engaging in a certain behavior, and the experiment was ended if the subject waited 15 minutes). But what I'm asking is whether linear regression can be used on these data (ignoring the censoring issue)/if there is an appropriate transformation? Also, if censoring should not be ignored, why exactly (since it doesn't violate assumptions of linear regression)?
Edit2: Below are some diagnostic plots.