I have some data in the form of bins and counts. Here is one complete non-truncated example:
bins: 60-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-3000, >3000
counts: 275, 320, 112, 65, 53, 44, 16, 15
Counts is the number of objects with sizes given by corresponding bin (60-100, 100-200 etc). If we construct the probability density function (dividing counts by bin size and scaling to total counts), we get some decreasing exp-like dependence. I have a hypothesis (and the nature of the objects implies so), that this may be the right-hand tail of a skewed Gaussian with its center somewhere out of measurements scope (for bins around 10 or less). But there is another idea, that this function may come from a long-tailed (or heavy-tailed) statistics.
(Update in clarification). Under "heavy-tailed" the stable distribution law is meant (in Levy sense) different from Gaussian, which in its intuitive concept involves: infinite dispersion or higher moments and asymptotics as x^-n instead of exp(-x^2).
Is it possible on the basis of these data only (I have several other such objects) to discriminate between exponential decrease and long-tail behaviour? Perhaps, with stating some confidence and probability of such hypothesis. What are tests which could answer this question and how they can be implemented preferably in R and/or in Mathematica? (other languages suit as well, if the solution exists therein).
In favour of this hypothesis is that the amount of matter for each bin (that is \int f(x)*x dx) increases with increased bin number, which seems to be not the case, if we had purely Gaussian tail.
If the sample is too sparse, and no conclusion can be drawn with reasonable confidence, how can I estimate the amount of needed data (number of bins and/or bin sizing) which are sufficient for this inference?