Any transformation of say 0 and 1 to any two distinct values would change the coefficient estimates but could not improve model fit.
Think of this in geometric terms: imagine a plot of your outcome against a binary predictor coded 0 and 1. Changing 0 and 1 to any other pair of values is just re-labelling points on the predictor axis. The most you could do is reverse them so that low and high values change places. That would change the sign of a coefficient but the fit could be no better. So, if 0 1 were mapped to 42 and 666 or 666 and 42, there could be no gain, and a real loss in that interpreting the coefficient estimates is harder. The example is silly to make the point emphatic.
Having other predictors too doesn't undermine this principle.
Categorical variables could be re-coded but the same applies. The usual way to handle categorical variables entails treating them through a set of indicator variables, so that any arbitrary coding does not bite.
The only exception I can think of would be if ordered (ordinal) categories were treated numerically, then it's likely that a transformation would change fit, but you would need a good reason for it too.