I'm not even sure I'm phrasing the question properly, please let me know if there is any standard terms around this type of problem.
I'm trying to find an average number of attempts it would take to find a randomly placed pixel within a fixed size element. If a wrong pixel is chosen, it is removed from the choices.
There is a 100 x 100 pixel square. 1 pixel is the winning pixel, all others are losers. Remove each losing pixel as they are chosen.
A 100x100 square has a total of 10,000 pixels. Is the probability simply determined by multiplying 1/10000 * 1/9999 * 1/9998 * 1/9997 ....
How can I arrive at a number that gives me an idea of an average number of clicks it would take to find the winning pixel? I.e. can I run 1000 of these scenarios and get a fairly accurate estimate?