If I simulate the success probability for a Bernoulli random variable $t_{binary}$ conditional on some regressor $x$:
N <- 100000
x <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
b0 <- 0
p <- plogis(b0 + 0.3*x)
the average probability (mean(p)
) will be 0.5 as long as the intercept b0
is zero. Changing the slope of $x$ to something other than $0.3$ has no impact on this average.
But if I simulate the probabilities of a 3-category $t_{multi}$:
p0 <- exp(0 + 0.1*x)
p1 <- exp(0 + 0.2*x)
p2 <- exp(0 + 0.3*x)
p <- cbind(p0,p1,p2)
p <- t(apply(p, MARGIN = 1, function(h) h / sum(h)))
the average probability is split evenly (.33,.33,.33) only when the slope of x
is the same for the three categories or if I fiddle with the intercepts. Is this correct (is this a property of the multinomial logit) or am I just simulating it wrong? The formula I have in mind is: