Ideally, you would use a regression model with a discrete distribution with support over the integers for your response variable. This could be approximated by a continuous distribution, so long as the standard error in the model (i.e., the standard deviation of the error term) is not too small compared to the unit interval between integers (so that the continuous density is not changing much between integers).
If you want to, you can take a regression model that uses a continuous response distribution $f$ (e.g., from the Gaussian linear model) and then "discretise" the response distribution by taking:
$$\mathbb{P}(Y_i = y | \mathbf{x}_i, \boldsymbol{\beta}) = \int \limits_{y-1/2}^{y+1/2} f(r | \mathbf{x}_i, \boldsymbol{\beta}) \ dr.$$
For example, in the Gaussian linear model, instead of having the likelihood function:
L_{\mathbf{y}, \mathbf{x}}(\boldsymbol{\beta})
&= \prod_{i=1}^n \phi \bigg( \frac{y_i - \mathbf{x}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}}{\sigma} \bigg),
you would instead have the "discretised" version:
L_{\mathbf{y}, \mathbf{x}}(\boldsymbol{\beta})
&= \prod_{i=1}^n \bigg[ \Phi \bigg( \frac{y_i + \tfrac{1}{2} - \mathbf{x}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}}{\sigma} \bigg) - \Phi \bigg( \frac{y_i - \tfrac{1}{2} - \mathbf{x}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}}{\sigma} \bigg) \bigg]
The MLE in both cases is going to be quite similar, so long as $\sigma$ is substantially bigger than one. The main drawback of the discretised version is that the MLE is no longer the OLS estimator and does not have a closed form, so the resulting theoretical properties are a bit trickier to deal with (but certainly not impossible).