in my conceptul model I want to study if Extroversion trait (Extro IV: likert scale) effects initial offer in a negotiation (Offer DV: any number between 5 and 15), and how does trust moderate this relationship (Time: no trust=1, trust=2)
I used the mixed effects model in SPSS as my data is within subjects, where each respondent was asked to input an offer in a 'no trust' scenario, and later also in a 'trust' scenario (repeated measures). I also included Neuroticis, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Gender as covariates.
As fixed effects I included all covariates and Extroversion, as well as the interaction between Time and Extroversion (I assumed this reflects the moderation, correct?)
I got the following output:Can someone help me interpreting the output to answer my research question? I am not sure where to look for significance in this case.