Sadly, this is actually a very common practice, but as Graham and Christian both note, this is not defensible. The idea behind structural equation modeling is to fit a model and then try to "knock it down" to see if it holds up to your claims. If that foundation cracks, then trying to sort and glue together pieces post-hoc without having pre-supposed those relationships verges on unscientific (from Hayduk, 2014, p.4 on similar issues with modification indices):
When a model fails, researchers routinely examine the modification indices to see whether introduction of specific model coefficients would improve model fit. A coefficient that significantly improves model fit will, if freed, also result in a statistically significant coefficient estimate. Hence, scanning the modification indices for coefficients capable of significantly improving model fit constitutes a fishing expedition. Selective inclusion of data-prompted coefficients increases concern for both coefficient-fishing and model-fishing.
There is beauty in reporting failed models. It tells the rest of the world where not to venture, or it may make others question why this failed in the first place. When a field is dominated by models that always work, then we run the risk of false confidence. As they say, the social sciences need to get tired of always winning (Haeffel, 2022)