I have been asked to produce a pie graph of some categorical data.
On a simple scale it look like this:
House 1: Speak a foreign language , own a computer
House 2: Only lived in by women
House 3: Only lived in by women, speak a foreign language
House 4: Has pets
House 5: Has pets, own a computer
House 6: Speak a foreign language.
They want a pie graph that shows what percent of the different categories are represented.
Well if I go:
Speak a foreign language = 3/6
Own a computer = 2/6
Only lived in by women = 2/6
has pets = 2/6
This totals 9/6 (i.e more than 100%)
Should I be totalling how many individual items there are and then creating my %'ages from that
Speak a foreign language = 3/9
Own a computer = 2/9
Only lived in by women = 2/9
has pets = 2/9
this makes 100% but i am unsure if this is how you would do it so all the data is shown in one pie graph.