I have data on the unemployment rate within 3 education groups for different states, and some other continuous data on for the given states e.g. GDP. I also have the overall unemployment rate for the state.
Each education dummy represents whether the observed unemployment rate is for the educational group 0-6 years of schooling, 7-12 years of schooling, and 13+ years of schooling.
I am regressing the unemployment rate on (a) educational dummies 1 2 and 3 and (b) my other continuous variables that don't vary by educational group e.g. GDP.
My regression has overall unemployment rate as the base group, so the coefficients of the dummy variables represent the difference between unemployment overall and unemployment within a given education group.
Is this a sensible way to choose the base group? Would issues of multicollinearity arise when looking at data on unemployment across the three groups and on the state as a whole? Would this issue disappear if there was more educational classifications and lots of variance in the data?