My question concerns priors on effect sizes, in my project the measure is Cohen's $D$. Through reading the literature, it seems vague priors are often used, such as in the well-know eight schools example of a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. In the eight schools example, I have seen a vague prior used for the estimate of mu, such as $\mu_{\theta} \sim \operatorname{normal}(0, 100)$.
My discipline is psychology, where effects sizes are usually small. As such, I was considering using this prior: $\mu_{\theta} \sim \operatorname{normal}(0, .5)$. My rationale for such a tight prior is that, from my understanding of priors, I am placing a 95% prior probability that $\mu_{\theta}$ is between -1 to 1, leaving a 5 % prior probability for effects being larger that -1 or 1.
As very rarely are effects this large, is this prior justifiable?