I have timeseries of concentrations in tropospheric air (NO, O3, etc.) and related meteorological parameters (Temperature, Wind Speed, etc.).
Some of those time series correlate well (eg. CO2 vs NO) and none of them have a normal distribution or even symmetric distribution.
Where correlation coefficients are:
measurandkey CO2 NO T WS-s
CO2 1.000000 0.620874 -0.561119 -0.341159
NO 0.620874 1.000000 -0.237885 -0.246442
T -0.561119 -0.237885 1.000000 -0.044186
WS-s -0.341159 -0.246442 -0.044186 1.000000
One of my goal is to assess the impact of:
- Heating (linked with external temperature);
- Troposphere Stability (CO2 can be thought as a passive tracer linked with combustion sources and stability);
- Horizontal Shear Stress (linked with wind speed).
On concentration of a pollutants directly linked with source of combustion (mostly traffic and heating) such as Nitrogen Oxide.
With T, CO2 (and Wind Speed) timeseries, I can create few categories based on some clear cut criterion:
- Shear Stress is categorized before its distribution and mechanical criteria (definition of a calm wind, etc.), leading to four categories;
- Stability is categorized before CO2 seasonal residuals distribution (CO2 seasonal trend is removed, then split into three categories);
- Heating is categorized before Degree-Day distribution (3 days smoothing triangle window is applied on temperature);
Below a subsample of data and groups created from criteria above:
measurandkey CO2 NO T WS-s Shear Stress CO2 Trend \
2012-01-09 08:00:00 423.5 12.0 7.45 2.925 low 426.265359
2012-01-09 18:00:00 417.5 2.5 8.65 2.880 low 426.214362
2012-01-10 04:00:00 425.0 2.5 8.50 1.645 null 426.163365
2012-01-10 14:00:00 420.5 13.0 9.55 2.035 low 426.112368
2012-01-11 00:00:00 416.0 NaN 8.40 1.825 null 426.061371
2012-01-11 10:00:00 411.0 7.5 10.05 3.740 low 426.010374
2012-01-11 20:00:00 410.5 2.0 8.90 3.480 low 425.959377
2012-01-12 06:00:00 413.0 3.0 7.15 5.580 med 425.908380
2012-01-12 16:00:00 410.0 2.0 9.35 4.410 low 425.857383
2012-01-13 02:00:00 422.5 2.0 2.35 2.285 low 425.806387
measurandkey CO2 Residual Stability T_deg Heating NO Log
2012-01-09 08:00:00 -2.765359 med 11.476601 high 2.484907
2012-01-09 18:00:00 -8.714362 med 11.470853 high 0.916291
2012-01-10 04:00:00 -1.163365 med 11.429398 high 0.916291
2012-01-10 14:00:00 -5.612368 med 11.076427 high 2.564949
2012-01-11 00:00:00 -10.061371 low 10.352276 high NaN
2012-01-11 10:00:00 -15.010374 low 9.804668 med 2.014903
2012-01-11 20:00:00 -15.459377 low 9.374306 med 0.693147
2012-01-12 06:00:00 -12.908380 low 9.208738 med 1.098612
2012-01-12 16:00:00 -15.857383 low 9.279360 med 0.693147
2012-01-13 02:00:00 -3.306387 med 9.401215 med 0.693147
Then I am able to compute basic statistics such as mean, median, count, etc. on pair of group modalities, which leads to the following contingency matrix:
count mean median
Stability low med high low med high low med high
null 348 610 86 2.278736 2.542623 3.517442 2.0 2.0 2.0
low 2090 2793 452 2.284450 2.999821 6.263274 2.0 2.0 2.0
med 7013 11136 1223 2.667902 4.165365 23.881848 2.0 2.0 11.5
high 3393 8423 1196 2.680519 6.720052 51.109114 2.0 3.0 42.0
What I see is:
- for some combination of group modalities, there are few or no data, and therefore some statistical quantities may be meaningless;
- grouped sub samples often differ in term of distributions, mean and median (chi-by-eye on following figures).
We can render the above table as a Bar chart:
Or grouped distributions with Whisker Boxes:
Grouping can also be seen on scatter plot:
What I am looking for is: a more objective criterion in order to confirm that my appreciation (eg. mean are different among groups) is not misled by some visual effect or a priori on groups.
I don't know the distribution from which my original sample is drawn. I know that the distribution is strictly positive (because it is concentrations) and highly skewed (often the case with primary pollutants and measurement sites close to sources). I cannot assume normality.
What I want to assess is:
- Are mean (or median) of pair of group modalities significantly different?
- Are there enough observations in each pair of group modalities in order to perform reliable statistics on it?
I am looking for references and keywords pointing to procedures that could achieve those tasks, then I could implement post-processing. Thank you for your help.
As AdamO pointed out that I may look for cross correlation. I think mainly because I could work with continuous random variables instead of discretizing them. But here I decided to work with categorical variables and this why I have created this post. I am open to any constructive feedback about this decision. Anyway it could happens in real life problem that you want to compare continuous variable grouped over categorical groups.