For my logistic regression model I have:
glm(reconv ~ -1 + log(precon) + log(age), data = crime, family=binomial)
With the following co-efficients outputted from the summary data:
log(precon) = 1.1196
log(age) = -0.4469
Where I have a binary variable for if an individual reconvicts, a continuous variable: number of preconvictions, and another continuous variable: age.
I know how to interpret the model if the variables aren't logged (base e), where we would use the logit function (using the coefficents for the un-logged model)
$\mathrm{logit}\left( \mu_{i} \right) = \eta_{i} \: \: \: \:\eta_{i} = 0.277\mathrm{precon}_{i} - 0.0416\mathrm{age}_{i}, \: \: \mathrm{for} \: i=1,\ldots,247$
If for example we were to look at the group of 20 year-olds with 3 pre-convictions, we could use the inverse logit function to find the expected a proportion that will re-offend to be: $p = \dfrac {e^{0.277(3)-0.0416(20)}}{1+e^{0.277(3)-0.0416(20)}}$ = 0.49975. In other words, approximately half of the individuals in that group are expected to re-offend.
But how do I interpret the GLM with the logged explanatory variables?
to remove the intercept from the linear predictor? That is very unlikely to be a sensible thing to do. $\endgroup$precon
take on zero values? Taking the log of zero would obviously be problematic. $\endgroup$