I am uncertain about how to treat a discretized / binned continuous variable in the glm()
function in R. I see two possible ways of feeding it to the glm. Either I input the binned variable as it is or I create a continuous numeric representation of it using as.integer()
? What method would you consider "standard" out of these methods?
This is what I have tried: First, the continuous variable stored in my data is the age of an individual. Right now I have binned this continuous variable into the following levels: (16-21 22-27 28-33 34-39 40-45 46-51 52-57 58-63 64-69 70+). Assume that the binned variable is called ageBinned
Now I am uncertain about how to feed this grouped variable to the glm()
function after binning it. Right now I have ordered the groups using factor()
and relevel()
. When I fit the GLM based on this covariate I am uncertain about how to interpret the result.
Model Fit using ageBinned
poisson.glm <- glm(NoClaims ~ ageBinned, family = poisson(link=log),
data=data, offset=log(Duration))
I get the following output:
(Intercept) ageBinned22-27 ageBinned28-33 ageBinned34-39 ageBinned40-45
-2.23763 0.43223 0.43151 0.37040 0.31978
ageBinned46-51 ageBinned52-57 ageBinned58-63 ageBinned64-69 ageBinned70+
-0.21415 -0.80053 -0.08639 -0.27468 -0.74130
Model Fit using as.integer(ageBinned):
If I instead treat the binned group as numeric using as.integer(ageBinned)
, I get the following result:
(Intercept) as.integer(ageBinned)
-1.80403065 -0.03616828
- When I look at the second output, when I use
, I interpret "Intercept" as $\beta_0$ and the second output parameter as $\beta_{age \; group}$. However, I do not know how to interpret the output from the first glm() where I have usedageBinned
. - What method would you consider "standard" out of these methods?
- How do the values from
relate to regression parameters $\beta_{\rm age \; group}? $ Is there still a single common $\beta_{\rm age \; group}?$ Is the relationship between the covariates and the regression parameter still in the following form?
\begin{equation} \log(\mu_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_{\rm age \; group}\cdot x \end{equation}
It appears as though making ageBinned
into an ordinal categorical variable is the best alternative for me. However, I am not entirely sure exactly how to achieve this. I attempted to order the ageBinned
variable through the following command
data$ageBinned = factor(data$ageBinned ,
ordered = TRUE,
levels = c("16-21", "22-27", "28-33", "34-39",
"40-45", "46-51", "52-57", "58-63","64 69", "70+"))
By putting these into the glm()
function, I then receive the following parameters
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.2939 0.1425 -16.095 <2e-16 ***
claim.data$age.group.factor.L -1.0050 0.5865 -1.713 0.0866 .
claim.data$age.group.factor.Q -0.3142 0.5650 -0.556 0.5781
claim.data$age.group.factor.C 0.4275 0.5231 0.817 0.4138
claim.data$age.group.factor^4 -0.4126 0.4821 -0.856 0.3921
claim.data$age.group.factor^5 -0.3993 0.4590 -0.870 0.3843
claim.data$age.group.factor^6 -0.1530 0.3979 -0.385 0.7005
claim.data$age.group.factor^7 0.3577 0.3413 1.048 0.2946
claim.data$age.group.factor^8 0.3474 0.3202 1.085 0.2779
claim.data$age.group.factor^9 0.0819 0.2663 0.308 0.7584
- Is this the correct way of ordering the variables?
- If so how does this output relate to the regression parameter $\beta_{age}$?
- If I want to compute the log-likelihood of this model without using a R package, then I need to be able to compute \begin{equation} \log(\mu_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_{\rm age \; group}\cdot x \end{equation} how do I achieve this with the ordered categorical variables (what would I put in for x)?