I am stuck on the following question and I was wondering if can get some help.
Let $f(x;\theta) = g(\theta)h(x),\ a(\theta) \leqslant x \leqslant b(\theta)$ with $a(\theta)$ decreases and $b(\theta)$ increases with $\theta$ and $g(\theta)$ differentiable with random sample $X_1,...,X_n$ and $X_{(1)}<...<X_{(n)}$ the order statistics. Consider the statistic $T = max(a^{-1}(X_{(1)}), b^{-1}(X_{(n)}))$
I have to prove that the MVUE of $\theta$ is $\hat{\theta}=T-\frac{g(T)}{ng'(T)}$
I have done the completeness and sufficiency tests for T and since $\hat{\theta}$ is a one-to-one function of T, then it is also sufficient and complete by known theorems. I am now trying to calculate $E(T)$ using the following answer to post here: Find the unique MVUE
However, for this question, they were able to use the properties of the uniform to find the CDF but for my particular problem I do not believe that I should use that arguement. I was wondering if I can get some hints as to come up with the suitable CDF?
EDIT I am up to this part: \begin{equation} F(t) = P(\hat{\theta} \leqslant t) = P(a(t)\leqslant x_{(1)} \leqslant x_{(2)} \leqslant...\leqslant x_{(n)} \leqslant b(t)) \end{equation}
But again don not know how to proceed
EDIT so I believe to get the result I have to do integration by parts to get $E(T)=\theta+E\left(\frac{g(T)}{n g^{\prime}(T)}\right)$ Since $$ P_{\theta}(T \leq t)=(g(\theta))^{n}\left(\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} h(x) d x\right)^{n} $$ and $$ f_{T}(t)=n(g(\theta))^{n}\left(\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} h(x) d x\right)^{n-1}\left[h(b(t)) b^{\prime}(t)-h(a(t)) a^{\prime}(t)\right] \mathbf{1}_{0<t<\theta} $$ I have the following results $$ \begin{array}{c}{E(T)=\int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta)}\left(\operatorname{tn}(g(\theta))^{n}\left(\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} h(x) d x\right)^{n-1}\left[h(b(t)) b^{\prime}(t)-h(a(t)) a^{\prime}(t)\right] \mathbf{1}_{0<t<\theta}\right) d t} \\ {u=\operatorname{tn}(g(\theta))^{n}\left(\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} h(x) d x\right)^{n-1}} \\ {\quad d u=n g(\theta)^{n}\left[\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} h(x) d x+s\left(\left(h(b(t)) b^{\prime}(t)-h(a(t)) a^{\prime}(t)\right)\right] d t\right.} \\ {v=\int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta)} h(b(t)) b^{\prime}(t)-h(a(t)) a^{\prime}(t) d t}\end{array} $$
but $$ v=\int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta)} h(b(t)) b^{\prime}(t) d t-\int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta} h(a(t)) a^{\prime}(t) d t $$ but doing the substitution $r=b(t), d r=b^{\prime}(t) d t$ and $s=a(t), d s=a^{\prime}(t) d t$ and $\int_{a(\theta)}^{b(\theta)} h(x) d x=\frac{1}{g(\theta)},$ v should be 0 so i am stumped. I was hoping for some hint as to create $u v=\theta$