I plotted a set of about 200,000 points and got a triangular shaped region. The shape is roughly like the triangle made by the points $(1,0)$, $(0,1)$ and $(0,0)$. My points have the property that if $(a,b)$ is a member of the set, then $(b,a)$ is also a member. I wanted to do a regression on the variable associated with the second coordinate y on the variable associated with the first coordinate x. I did a linear regression but I'm bothered by the fact that the region is shaped nothing like a line. Is there a better way to do this?
Edit: The points represent a type of game. For each player i and j, i can attack j or j can attack i. The points are produced by looking at (number of times where i attacks j, of times j attacks i) for all pairs i and j. This is the reason that we get (a,b) being a member of my set if (b,a) is a member. I felt that the triangle region suggests that players who don't attack enough have a greater chance of being attacked. Just to emphasize, my points fill the whole region bounded by a triangle similar to (1,0), (0,1) and (0,0), not necessarily uniformly.
Second Edit:The region is shaped like the triangle I mentioned but bigger. Lets say for arguments sake, it roughly looks like the triangle (1000,0), (0,1000), (0,0). There are a few scattered points outside the triangle and the triangle itself is not completely filled out.
My goal is to characterize or relate the number of attacks that i makes on j to the number of attacks that j makes on i.