Since this question is about re-writing a model specification, I'll focus on that aspect. Without knowing more about the data or precise inferential goal, I can't comment on whether either model is the right tool. I'm also unsure why the OP needs to rewrite a functioning model to use a different function within the same software package.
Let's start from the OP's setup.
math <- read.csv('')
Now I'm going to take the OP's nonlinear model specification, remove some extra parentheses and use some whitespace for readability.
nonlinear <- nlme(
math ~ nb_wght * ( (beta_1_N + d_1i_N) + (beta_2_N + d_2i_N) * grade) +
lb_wght * ( (beta_1_L + d_1i_L) + (beta_2_L + d_2i_L) * grade),
data = math,
fixed = beta_1_N + beta_2_N + beta_1_L + beta_2_L ~ 1,
random = pdBlocked(list(d_1i_N + d_2i_N ~ 1,
d_1i_L + d_2i_L ~ 1)),
group = ~ id,
start = c(35, 4, 35, 4),
weights = varIdent(form =~ 1|factor(lb_wght)),
control = list(returnObject = TRUE))
Next, I'll rename variables to more meaningful things so that I can better understand what's going on.
nonlinear <- nlme(
math ~ nb_wght * ( (beta_nb_wght + blup_nb_wght) + (beta_nb_wght_grade + blup_nb_wght_grade) * grade) +
lb_wght * ( (beta_lb_wght + blup_lb_wght) + (beta_lb_wght_grade + blup_lb_wght_grade) * grade),
data = math,
fixed = beta_nb_wght + beta_nb_wght_grade + beta_lb_wght + beta_lb_wght_grade ~ 1,
random = pdBlocked(list(blup_nb_wght + blup_nb_wght_grade ~ 1,
blup_lb_wght + blup_lb_wght_grade ~ 1)),
group = ~ id,
start = c(35, 4, 35, 4),
weights = varIdent(form =~ 1|factor(lb_wght)),
control = list(returnObject = TRUE))
Okay, now I can see how the pieces fit together a bit better. Time to re-write it as something closer to a classical linear model by re-ordering terms.
nonlinear <- nlme(
math ~ (beta_nb_wght + blup_nb_wght) * nb_wght + (beta_nb_wght_grade + blup_nb_wght_grade) * I(grade*nb_wght) +
(beta_lb_wght + blup_lb_wght) * lb_wght + (beta_lb_wght_grade + blup_lb_wght_grade) * I(grade*lb_wght),
data = math,
# sort the coefficients in order of interaction-level:
# - this will make comparisons of the fixed easier later by matching sorting
# - note that the predictor for a two-way interaction of continuous predictors
# is just the (element-wise) product of the two predictors
fixed = beta_nb_wght + beta_lb_wght + beta_nb_wght_grade + beta_lb_wght_grade ~ 1,
# we use the list syntax for `random` instead of depending
# on the separate group argument, again bringing us closer to the usual way of
# specifying the linear model
random = list(id = pdBlocked(
list(blup_nb_wght + blup_nb_wght_grade ~ 1,
blup_lb_wght + blup_lb_wght_grade ~ 1))),
start = c(35, 4, 35, 4),
weights = varIdent(form =~ 1|factor(lb_wght)),
control = list(returnObject = TRUE))
Using the linear-model formula syntax, we now have fixed effects
math ~ 0 + nb_wght + lb_wght + grade:nb_wght + grade:lb_wght # Note the lack of intercept.
and random effects:
list(~ 0 + nb_wght + grade:nb_wght, ~ 0 + lb_wght + grade:lb_wght)
The big change in both cases is to make the betas/BLUPs variables implicit and only specify the data columns.
That brings us to the linear model:
linear <- lme(
math ~ 0 + nb_wght + lb_wght + grade:nb_wght + grade:lb_wght,
data = math,
random = list(id = pdBlocked(
list(~ 0 + nb_wght + grade:nb_wght,
~ 0 + lb_wght + grade:lb_wght))),
weights = varIdent(form =~ 1|factor(lb_wght)),
method = "ML", # default for nlme, but lme and lmer both default to REML
control = list(returnObject = TRUE))
Let's compare them now.
They make make similar predictions:
> all.equal(fitted(linear), fitted(nonlinear))
[1] TRUE
The estimates of the fixed-effects are close (this comparison is why were-ordered the coefficients in the nonlinear model):
> all.equal(unname(fixed.effects(linear)),
+ unname(fixed.effects(nonlinear)))
[1] TRUE
as are the variance parameters:
> all.equal(unname(as.numeric(VarCorr(linear)[,"StdDev"])),
+ unname(as.numeric(VarCorr(nonlinear)[,"StdDev"])))
[1] TRUE
So these models are identical, and their log likelihoods reflect that as well:
> logLik(nonlinear)
'log Lik.' -7963.061 (df=12)
> logLik(linear)
'log Lik.' -7963.061 (df=12)
In other cases, you might find that one or the other method converges to a slightly better optimum (=better log likelihood).
If you look at the full model summaries, you'll see that they're the same model:
Non linear
> summary(nonlinear)
Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Model: math ~ (beta_nb_wght + blup_nb_wght) * nb_wght + (beta_nb_wght_grade + blup_nb_wght_grade) * I(grade * nb_wght) + (beta_lb_wght + blup_lb_wght) * lb_wght + (beta_lb_wght_grade + blup_lb_wght_grade) * I(grade * lb_wght)
Data: math
AIC BIC logLik
15950.12 16018.59 -7963.061
Random effects:
Composite Structure: Blocked
Block 1: blup_nb_wght, blup_nb_wght_grade
Formula: list(blup_nb_wght ~ 1, blup_nb_wght_grade ~ 1)
Level: id
Structure: General positive-definite
StdDev Corr
blup_nb_wght 7.8921980 blp_n_
blup_nb_wght_grade 0.8795756 -0.009
Block 2: blup_lb_wght, blup_lb_wght_grade
Formula: list(blup_lb_wght ~ 1, blup_lb_wght_grade ~ 1)
Level: id
Structure: General positive-definite
StdDev Corr
blup_lb_wght 8.99415931 blp_l_
blup_lb_wght_grade 0.02853591 0.986
Residual 5.93062152
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | factor(lb_wght)
Parameter estimates:
0 1
1.000000 1.170217
Fixed effects: beta_nb_wght + beta_lb_wght + beta_nb_wght_grade + beta_lb_wght_grade ~ 1
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
beta_nb_wght 35.48131 0.3647427 931 97.27765 0
beta_lb_wght 32.79780 1.4062538 1287 23.32282 0
beta_nb_wght_grade 4.29731 0.0901739 1287 47.65582 0
beta_lb_wght_grade 4.87806 0.3382250 1287 14.42252 0
bt_nb_ bt_lb_ bt_n__
beta_lb_wght 0.000
beta_nb_wght_grade -0.527 0.000
beta_lb_wght_grade 0.000 -0.549 0.000
Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-3.080667594 -0.533467953 -0.002345929 0.537432306 2.566342070
Number of Observations: 2221
Number of Groups: 932
> summary(linear)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Data: math
AIC BIC logLik
15950.12 16018.59 -7963.061
Random effects:
Composite Structure: Blocked
Block 1: nb_wght, nb_wght:grade
Formula: ~0 + nb_wght + grade:nb_wght | id
Structure: General positive-definite
StdDev Corr
nb_wght 7.8921980 nb_wgh
nb_wght:grade 0.8795756 -0.009
Block 2: lb_wght, lb_wght:grade
Formula: ~0 + lb_wght + grade:lb_wght | id
Structure: General positive-definite
StdDev Corr
lb_wght 8.99415931 lb_wgh
lb_wght:grade 0.02853591 0.986
Residual 5.93062152
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | factor(lb_wght)
Parameter estimates:
0 1
1.000000 1.170217
Fixed effects: math ~ 0 + nb_wght + lb_wght + grade:nb_wght + grade:lb_wght
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
nb_wght 35.48131 0.3647427 930 97.27765 0
lb_wght 32.79780 1.4062538 930 23.32282 0
nb_wght:grade 4.29731 0.0901739 1288 47.65582 0
lb_wght:grade 4.87806 0.3382250 1288 14.42252 0
nb_wgh lb_wgh nb_wg:
lb_wght 0.000
nb_wght:grade -0.527 0.000
lb_wght:grade 0.000 -0.549 0.000
Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-3.080667594 -0.533467953 -0.002345929 0.537432305 2.566342070
Number of Observations: 2221
Number of Groups: 932
. $\endgroup$