From the literature I do not understand the null hypothesis of this test. I used it's implementation in R to confirm my multivariate model captures the ARCH effects present in the data. I use this line of code:
Weighted.LM.test(fit1@model$residuals[,1], fit1@model$sigma[,1]^2, lag = 25,type = c("correlation", "partial"),fitdf = 1, weighted = TRUE)
To obtain the standardized residuals and put them in the test. The results are:
Weighted X-squared on Squared Residuals for fitted ARCH process = 5.1043, Shape = 9.5018, Scale = 1.3640, p-value = 0.8705
Does the pvalue indicate I fail to reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation, and therefore there is still autocorrelation present, and thus my model is flawed? Or am I misinterpreting this test. Any recommendations on how to solve this?