I run a regression with multiple predictors. I am interested in relationship satisfaction (fictional example). I use gender and hours of time spent together (continuous) as predictors. In my hypothesis I assume that time spent together will have a positive effect on relationship satisfaction, but I assume that this effect differs by gender. So I add an interaction effect. Both main effects are significant and the interaction effect is not. I'm fine with that and normally I would decline my hypothesis. But through margins plots I saw that the insignificance only refers to a few lower values of my continuous variable. Higher values show significant differences by gender. What does that mean for my hypothesis testing? Is it just partially confirmed/declined?
Results are:
Hazard Ratio rob.SD z-Score p
gender 0.85 0.06 -2.36 0.018
time 1.19 0.02 9.08 0.000
gender*time 0.92 0.05 -1.45 0.147