Say I've looked at three random samples, one each from three populations of students. I found that a few students in each sample didn't turn in a fieldtrip permission slip, leaving me with the following point estimates:
| Population name | Population size | Sample size | Missing Slips (Sample) | Estimated Missing Slips (Population) |
| --------------- | --------------- | ----------- | ---------------- |---------------- |
| 6th graders | 1,200 | 200 | 2|12 |
| 7th graders | 800 | 100 | 5|40 |
| 8th graders | 1,000 | 200 | 4|20 |
Can I say that an estimated 72 of 3,000 (2.4%) 6th, 7th, and 8th graders didn't turn in field trip permission slips? If I can, how do I go about calculating a confidence interval for my estimate?