I would suggest first trying standard time series outlier detection, e.g. tsoutliers
or anything based on the difference between the time series and its smoothed version. Those methods usually also detect groups of outliers, as long as those are not too large.
As a next step, you could also play around with the smoothing parameters or those methods. Or just use a rolling average of your time series with a window size somewhere near the maximum size of an outlier group you are willing to accept and then, again, feed those to the above outlier detection methods. The rolling average will have the effect of compressing the time series into a series of groups of points. The variation of the smoothed series is then, of course, reduced, but groups of outliers will create a larger deviation.
If this is still not enough, you might have to try to define the type of outliers you are looking for more precisely. That could also be done by creating lots of examples that do have those outliers and lots which don't. Then you can feed it to a supervised machine, a binary outlier classifier.