I have a cohort of patients for which I have 2 separate polygenic risk scores. I would like to produce a quantile plot such as this one:
To do so, I have first divided the PRS score into quantiles, generating the weight_total_PRS_quantile
factor with 10 levels, and then produced a logistic model, and finally calculated ORs for each quantile like so:
logistic<-glm(formula = diagnosis ~ weight_total_PRS_quantile, data = scaled_total_PRS, family = binomial, na.action = "na.omit")
total_PRS_ORs<-exp(cbind(coef(logistic), confint(logistic)))
This works. However, I am now working with combined or partitioned PRSs. So the model I'm fitting is something like:
logistic<-glm(formula = diagnosis ~ PRS_partition1_quantile + PRS_partition2_quantile, data = scaled_total_PRS, family = binomial, na.action = "na.omit")
When I then exponentiate the coefficients I get one OR for each PRS_partition1_quantile, and one OR for each PRS_partition2_quantile. Can I combine these 2 ORs into one? The 2 PRS compartments are independent of each other, it would be a bit like a model calculating the odds for a car accident depending on completely independent predictors, such as how much the driver has drunk and if it's raining. If I had independent ORs, can I combine them into one, such as by adding them up? This would be useful to be able to show the "total OR" for the model for each quantile.