Peter has a nice trick for estimating the number of coefficients for the interaction (+1). This can easily be checked in any regression software as well. As an example with some online data from UCLA and some R programming, here I manipulate the data to have three levels in one and two levels in another, ultimately creating two interaction coefficients such as yours would have.
#### Load Library and Data ####
hdp <- read.csv("") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(CancerStage = factor(CancerStage)) %>%
filter(!CancerStage == "IV")
#### Fit Model ####
fit <- glm(remission ~ CancerStage * Sex - 1,
data = hdp,
family = binomial)
#### Inspect ####
exp(coef(fit)) # exponentiate for OR
As shown below, where an OR is calculated for two interaction terms:
CancerStageI CancerStageII CancerStageIII Sexmale
0.6265823 0.4209431 0.3175231 0.9696970
CancerStageII:Sexmale CancerStageIII:Sexmale
1.1914599 0.9767356