A central issue to understand here is that generally there is no unique way to define a clustering from data. Different clustering methods are based on different implicit clustering concepts and will give you different things, for Euclidean data or other. None of these is per se right or wrong, and the data themselves are not going to tell us what the best clustering is without a user's decision regarding what kind of clusters are required. The starting point for this should be, from a pragmatic point of view, the question what the clustering is needed for and will be used for. As this is not specified in the question, it is hard to say whether there is "conceptually a point in clustering these data", as you as the user are the one who needs to specify the "point". For example, in a marketing context it can be useful to have different groups of similar consumers regarding their preferences, even if in fact the data may not strongly suggest such groups, i.e., there are no clear "gaps" separating them, and various different clusterings could have very similar quality.
One can construct such clusters for example in a distance-based manner, i.e., computing the simple matching distance (basically the percentage of agreements between any two observations) and then feed it into any distance-based clustering algorithm such as average linkage. A different approach is latent class mixtures, where clusters are defined by local independence., i.e., a distribution mixture is fitted, typically by an EM-algorithm, where the different features are assumed independent within each cluster (if your features are indeed independent in the whole data set, the BIC should tell you that everything belongs to the same cluster if you follow this approach). Whether these are any good for you will depend on your clustering aim.
I should say that in the case of distance-based clustering, both the choice of a distance measure and the choice of a clustering method given the distance will have an impact, and both choices are best made with reference to the clustering aim.
Looking at your later description what kind of statement you want, you may be more interested in MONA (coding all the possible outcomes as dummy variables), or association rule learning (which isn't actually clustering).