Suppose that we have $n$ observations of $(X,Y)$ pair, where $X$ are real (might be vectors), and $Y$ is real. We want to a linear model. One rule of thumb is that the number of learnable parameters excluding the intercept should not exceed $\frac{n}{10}$. It is not that we do not do it if each learnable parameter only has $9$ observations, but it is a way to prevent overfit.
Is there a similar rule of thumb for mixed models? To take a simple example, suppose that $X \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and $Y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ are data, we get a class called patient
, which is a factor
with say $k$ levels. And we wish to do a random intercept:
lmer(Y ~ X + (1 | patient))
Is there a similar rule of thumb to prevent overfit regarding number of learnable parameters, $n$, $k$ and number of observations for each patient?