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correlation coefficient between nominal categorical variables and discrete variables in R [duplicate]

How is it possible to calculate correlation coefficient(Effect size) between nominal categorical variables and discrete variables in R? for each variables I have at least 10 values
Juli Avlokhashvili's user avatar
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Finding an association between two methods of medical intervention and a continuous variable [duplicate]

I have here with me, two methods of intervention; a standard care method, and a specialised intervention. Different individuals receive different method, its all randomly allocated. I am trying to ...
squashguy919's user avatar
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What correlation coefficient should I compute if I have a dichotomous variable and an ordinal variable with tied ranks? [duplicate]

I am not sure if I will compute the rank-biserial correlation coefficient since the formula assumes that there are no tied ranks. To provide further context, here is my data: Note: The dichotomous ...
Lui's user avatar
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Show correlation with yes and no answers [duplicate]

I am looking to see a correlation between domestic violence and violent crime. It is a yes and no dataset. What will be the best way to show correlation? total no 53 no with violent crime 38 no with ...
Tayyaba Riaz-Jamil's user avatar
20 votes
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Correlation coefficient between a (non-dichotomous) nominal variable and a numeric (interval) or an ordinal variable

I've already read all the pages in this site trying to find the answer to my problem but no one seems to be the right one form me... First I explain you the kind of data I'm working with... Let's ...
cristis's user avatar
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13 votes
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Correlation between dichotomous and continuous variable

I am trying to find the correlation between a dichotomous and a continuous variable. From my ground work on this I found that I have to use independent t-test and the precondition for it is that the ...
Sree Aurovindh's user avatar
7 votes
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How do you estimate correlations between ordinal and binary data in SPSS?

I'm struggling with my lab report. I have a questionnaire which contains Likert responses (1-7) as well as questions that require only yes or no answers. I want to see if there is a correlation ...
josh's user avatar
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How to do a "correlation matrix" with categorical, ordinal and interval variables?

I'm fairly new to statistics and R, and I hope to get your help on this issue. I have a dataset from an experiment with consists of the following variables: IV1: Age (interval) IV2: Gender (factor) ...
Marc Andersen's user avatar
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Binary and Continuous Correlation [closed]

I'm confused about finding correlation in these two cases with using Excel: 1- Correlation of two binary variables : (Male/Female,Interest to Coffee(Yes/NO)) 2- Correlation between one continuous and ...
Raffael Edu's user avatar
8 votes
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Non-parametric correlation for continuous and dichotomous variables [closed]

I have two variables I want to test with correlation, one is continuous and the other dichotomous. My data are non-normally distributed, plus the variance is heterogeneous, so I have to apply a non-...
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2 votes
4 answers

Testing associations between nominal and ordinal variables

I know there have been many questions on this topic. Sorry for another one. I have done a survey in which both questions using Likert scale (strongly disagree-strongly agree, so 5 point) have been ...
Leanne's user avatar
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Correlation between a nominal and ordinal [duplicate]

I would be very grateful if you would tell me how I can find the degree of correlation between a nominal dependent variable and an independent ordinal variable. The nominal variable has only two ...
merlin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why is R2 not reported for GLMs based on last iteration of IRLS weighted least square regression with which it is fit

Given that GLMs are generally fit using iteratively reweighted least squares (based on a Fisher scoring algorithm to maximize the max likelihood objective, which is a variant of Newton-Raphson, see ...
Tom Wenseleers's user avatar
3 votes
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Spearman's rho to correlate discrete with binary variables

Is it ok to use the Spearman's rho if one has to correlate a binary and a discrete (from 0 to 100) variable? Or Kendall's tau b would be a better choice?
Forinstance's user avatar
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How to find correlation if we have continuous and categorical variables present in my dataset as features and target is again binary

I am working on classification problem where I have categorical and continuous features however the target is binary. What is the best way to check correlation with respect to target variable. Also I ...
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