Linked Questions

49 votes
4 answers

Evaluation measures of goodness or validity of clustering (without having truth labels) [duplicate]

I'm clustering a set of data but I don't have truth document that allow me to evaluate the result of clustering (I have unlabelled data), so I can not use an external evaluation measure. In this case, ...
shn's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Comparing clustering algorithms [duplicate]

I am conducting clustering analysis in which I am using three clustering algorithms K-means, Spectral Clustering, and ...
Santosh M.'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to validate k-means result [duplicate]

I'm doing anomaly detection on unsupervised data using k-means I got a result but I don't know how to validate my clustering result. by plotting I can see my anomalies but how should I validate that ...
Newbie's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Comparing different linkage methods in hierarchical clustering [duplicate]

Im trying different linkage methods for my hierarchical clustering problem. Now I would like to evaluate which one works better. Is this as easy as just just comparing the two Dunn's index values? Or ...
Frits Verstraten's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to optimize performance of cluster model without any ground truth? [duplicate]

I had a general question on what to do when no ground truth data is available and clustering is initiated. Are there still metrics which can indicate how good or bad the clustering worked on the "...
LaLaTi's user avatar
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0 answers

Comparing clustering stability over period of time [duplicate]

Suppose I am applying K-means clustering on two datasets generated by same process. How to compare clustering stability over a period of time? Let's say I have applied clustering in 2016 on a data set,...
Artiga's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to check the quality of clustering results if there is no labels? [duplicate]

How can we check the quality of clustering of no-labeled data? I learnt from class that there are some ways to achieve this . One is to "measure intra-cluster cohesion (how near the data points ...
ylxmm320's user avatar
0 votes
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How to measure clustering algorithm performance? [duplicate]

For supervised learning, both regression and classification have ground truth. The model performance can be measured against ground truth. For example, $R^2$ in regression or accuracy (0-1) in ...
Haitao Du's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How to compare 2 clustering algorithm? [duplicate]

I have selected 'Nursery' data set from UCI machine learning repository and run 2 different clustering algorithm on, K Means and Hierarchical clustering. How should I compare these to algorithm to see ...
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97 votes
6 answers

Why does k-means clustering algorithm use only Euclidean distance metric?

Is there a specific purpose in terms of efficiency or functionality why the k-means algorithm does not use for example cosine (dis)similarity as a distance metric, but can only use the Euclidean norm? ...
curious's user avatar
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92 votes
6 answers

How to tell if data is "clustered" enough for clustering algorithms to produce meaningful results?

How would you know if your (high dimensional) data exhibits enough clustering so that results from kmeans or other clustering algorithm is actually meaningful? For k-means algorithm in particular, ...
xuexue's user avatar
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59 votes
11 answers

How to decide on the correct number of clusters?

We find the cluster centers and assign points to k different cluster bins in k-means clustering which is a very well known algorithm and is found almost in every machine learning package on the net. ...
petrichor's user avatar
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84 votes
6 answers

Choosing a clustering method

When using cluster analysis on a data set to group similar cases, one needs to choose among a large number of clustering methods and measures of distance. Sometimes, one choice might influence the ...
Brett's user avatar
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56 votes
2 answers

Choosing the right linkage method for hierarchical clustering

I am performing hierarchical clustering on data I've gathered and processed from the reddit data dump on Google BigQuery. My process is the following: Get the latest 1000 posts in /r/politics ...
Kevbot's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Comparing hierarchical clustering dendrograms obtained by different distances & methods

[The initial title "Measurement of similarity for hierarchical clustering trees" was later changed by @ttnphns to better reflect the topic] I am performing a number of hierarchical cluster analyses ...
Wouter's user avatar
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