Linked Questions

5 votes
3 answers

question about p values and significance comparison [duplicate]

I am under the impression that you have to set your alpha value before the experiment, and once the experiment is done, your p value, based on the alpha value, is either significant or not. It's ...
Mekok's user avatar
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Chi-2 test: why do we set the alpha risk a priori, and not find it a posteriori? [duplicate]

Let's test if ...
Basj's user avatar
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286 votes
158 answers

Famous statistical quotations

What is your favorite statistical quote? This is community wiki, so please one quote per answer.
73 votes
6 answers

Is the "hybrid" between Fisher and Neyman-Pearson approaches to statistical testing really an "incoherent mishmash"?

There exists a certain school of thought according to which the most widespread approach to statistical testing is a "hybrid" between two approaches: that of Fisher and that of Neyman-...
amoeba's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Interpretation of p-value in hypothesis testing

I recently came across the paper "The Insignificance of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing", Jeff Gill (1999). The author raised a few common misconceptions regarding hypothesis testing and p-values,...
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28 votes
5 answers

When does Fisher's "go get more data" approach make sense?

Quoting gung's great answer Allegedly, a researcher once approached Fisher with 'non-significant' results, asking him what he should do, and Fisher said, 'go get more data'. From a Neyman-Pearson ...
nalzok's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

Are smaller p-values more convincing?

I've been reading up on $p$-values, type 1 error rates, significance levels, power calculations, effect sizes and the Fisher vs Neyman-Pearson debate. This has left me feeling a bit overwhelmed. I ...
Zenit's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Why are lower p-values not more evidence against the null? Arguments from Johansson 2011

Johansson (2011) in "Hail the impossible: p-values, evidence, and likelihood" (here is also link to the journal) states that lower $p$-values are often considered as stronger evidence against the null....
luciano's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

Is the exact value of a 'p-value' meaningless?

I had a discussion with a statistician back in 2009 where he stated that the exact value of a p-value is irrelevant: the only thing that is important is whether it is significant or not. I.e. one ...
Mark Ramotowski's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Using p-value to compute the probability of hypothesis being true; what else is needed?

Question: One common misunderstanding of p-values is that they represent the probability of the null hypothesis being true. I know that's not correct and I know that p-values only represent the ...
bkoodaa's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Is it wrong to refer to results as being "highly significant"?

Why do statisticians discourage us from referring to results as "highly significant" when the $p$-value is well below the conventional $\alpha$-level of $0.05$? Is it really wrong to trust a result ...
z8080's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Q-Q plot interpretation

Consider the following code and output: ...
proton's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Interpreting p-values in Fisher vs Neyman-Pearson frameworks

I am a little confused about what p-values mean under Fisher's signficance testing & Neyman-Pearson's hypothesis testing. Fisher uses p-values as a continuous measure of evidence against a null ...
Sare27's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Using multiple comparisons corrections in Fisher p-value framework

I am wary of stepping into the civil war between Fisher vs Neyman-Pearson interpretations of $p$-value (which has been well elucidated here and here), but I've been pondering a question that I keep ...
Ashe's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why is Binary Classification not a Hypothesis Test?

I'm having a hard time finding the right way to explain to an engineer friend why binary classification isn't quite the same as a statistical hypothesis test. Clearly, in both cases we are choosing ...
icurays1's user avatar
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