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8 votes
3 answers

Non-significant results when running Kruskal-Wallis, significant results when running Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Flinger pairwise comparisons

I am writing my Master's thesis on adult's performance on cognitive and linguistic measures. I have four age groups and am investigating if there is an age difference in the performance on summarized ...
Samplename1's user avatar
4 votes
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Statistical significance test: One way Anova and Kruskal-Wallis test

I was comparing data between two groups and for each group there was six samples. My data are as follows: group 1: 103.56, 103.32, 103.32, 104.27, 103.56, 103.8 group 2: 97.16, 97.16, 96.69, 98.58, ...
Farhana's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is this a valid approach to hypothesis testing

I have been a machine learning hobbyist for a while now and am attempting to formalise my understanding of the statistical foundations to data analysis and machine learning. My reading so far has ...
nors's user avatar
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What statistical test its appropriate for my experimental design?

i need some help with my research. I dont know if its possible to use a statistic test in my design. To exemplify, following the design: 1 - I fertilize and distribute 100 embryos in each well (W1, W2,...
Leanderson Silva's user avatar
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Variance analysis for overlapping samples (resulting from multiple choice questions)

How do I check if multiple groups are different regarding a certain property, if these groups overlap? Example I conduct a survey and ask participants two questions: ...
M. Gruber's user avatar
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What test do I use for this? (biostatistics beginners question)

Suppose I have some subjects and I give each of them a test. I would end up with a dataset like: ...
abalter's user avatar
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Count data with three response types

I administered a test to three groups of people. They had to choose the correct answer between four choices provided. Only one choice is correct and the other three are wrong answers. There are forty ...
cplus's user avatar
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Welch ANOVA for Comparisons of Elevation & altered Sediment Accretion of Sea Ecosystems: Large DEM with no normal distribution & heterogeneity

I am investigating the elevation characteristics and sediment accretion effects of two distinct ecosystems within the Wadden Sea, impacted by the bioinvasion of one species (ecosystem one) and ...
OmteK.'s user avatar
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I'm struggling to find which is the right statistical test to use?

I have two variables: cell death and diet, but on the diet variable I have several groups that I want to compare. I was thinking of doing multiple Mann-Whitney tests, but that would be very time ...
Carolina's user avatar
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Statistical tests, when data are not normally distributed & variance is not equal

I have a data with two variables - one variable is quantitative, and one is nominal (4 categories). I ran the normality tests and it turned out that this quantitative variable is not normally ...
Mary's user avatar
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Which post-hoc comparison to use and why

Hopefully this is now a much clearer picture of the question I want to answer: For each of 60 different plans I ran 35 simulation replications of my Agent Based Model (ABM) simulation. Then for each ...
derNincompoop's user avatar
0 votes
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Evaluate significance for three different groups not normal distributed with different n

I have a group with three different treatments. One group gets shown 0 Tags, 4 and 7. N's are different in the range of 80-100 and data does not follow a normal distribution. I would also like to ...
Fredyonge's user avatar
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Kruskal Wallis test gives significance, multiple comparision table doesn't

I'm comparing physico-chemical properties of 8 different kefir samples like viscosity at different storage times. I have 4 viscosity measurements for each group. When I conduct Kruskal Wallis test; ...
fatma's user avatar
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What statistics should I use to compare percentages?

I am trying to see if there is a statistical significant difference between the amount of bycatch in 5 different types of gear used by fishermen. For each gear I have varying number of replicates as ...
Guy's user avatar
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