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4 votes
2 answers

Interpretation of dummy-coded variable

I have a dummy variable, with 1 meaning the years in which an historical event took place and 0 meaning the years in which it didn't take place. I used 0 as the reference category. When the regression ...
brian's user avatar
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2 answers

Interpreting when a regression coefficient is significant

Consider the following regression model: $y_i=\beta_1+\beta_2x_{i,2}+\beta_3x_{i,3}+\beta_4x_{i,2}x_{i,3}+\epsilon_i,$ where $\epsilon_i\sim N(0,\sigma^2).$ Here, $x_2$ is binary variable $$X_2 = \...
user232597's user avatar
1 vote
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Interpretation coefficients categorical variables

I am working with a large panel dataset studying many companies over a long period of time. Some of these companies receive a negative outlook from an analyst during the sample period. Similarly, some ...
John's user avatar
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Interpreting regression coefficients with partial dummy vs. effects coding and multiple factors

I have been working with a data file in R that contains two primary categorical variables : study location (study, 19 levels) which is a nuisance variable and race (4 levels) which is the outcome of ...
aarsmith's user avatar
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2 answers

How to interpret dummy variables and interactions terms on dummy variables in a regression?

Suppose I have a linear regression form of $$ \log(Y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_2 + \beta_2X_3 + \beta_3X_1Z + \beta_4X_2Z + \epsilon $$ where $X_1, X_2, X_3$ are binary and $X_1$ is omitted as a reference ...
user321627's user avatar
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How do I interpret a regression model when there are impossible additive effects?

Let's say I have a model of count data as a function of the month of the year along with an additive effect of season (factor with 2 levels Wet and Dry which correspond to Jan - June and July to Dec ...
adkane's user avatar
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5 votes
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Interpreting standard error for dummy variables in linear regression models

Is there any way to interpret the standard error of dummy variables created to represent a categorical variable in a linear regresion model? I saw a great mathematical explanation here, but I am still ...
Giorgos Mitropoulos's user avatar
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How to interpret independent dummy variables in logistic regression?

I have both quantitative and dummy independent variables in my logistic regression. Dependent variable is binary. I have 2 questions. How to interpret a quantitative variable that is negative? How to ...
LKho's user avatar
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Missing outputs or coefficients from multiple linear regression?

I have a multiple linear regression I have completed below: ...
barnsm2's user avatar
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Elasticity of a 0-1-2 dummy variable in a log-log model

We know from the following sources, "Halvorsen, R. and Palmquist, P., The Interpretation of Dummy Variables in Semilogarithmic Equations, American Economic Review, Vol. 70, 1980, pp. 474-475.&...
Cenk's user avatar
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Interacting main regressor of interest with a region indicator variable, do I interact all controls with the indicator as well?

Lets say I am running a regression at the state year level as the following: $y_{s,t} = \beta_o + \beta_1 x_{s,t} + controls_{s,t} + \mu_s + \tau_t + \eta_{s,t}$ Where x is the regressor of interest, ...
Steve's user avatar
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How do I interpret the coefficients of the reference group for a linear regression with two dummy variables as regressors in R?

I'm using R to fit the following linear regression models with the popular "mtcars" dataset: ...
caproki's user avatar
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Interpreting the coefficients of indicator variables in regression equation without indicator term

Suppose we were trying to estimate the impact of $Size$ of a house on its price while controlling for whether or not the house is located by the water. Suppose we constructed a dummy variable for ...
Ricky_Nelson's user avatar
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Interpretation of linear regreassion output when one categorical variable is represented as several dummies

I have a question regarding the interpretation of a linear regression output. In my data I have one independent categorical variable (condition) with five values which I represented as four dummy ...
user9397006's user avatar
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Testing for parallel trends in panel data/diff-in-diff with only 4 time periods

I am trying to test for common trends on Stata using coefplot, with 4 dummies for each time period (where they equal 1 at time t and if the individual is in the treatment group). However, clearly ...
user671580's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to interpret interaction dummies of multiple categories and main effect

I have a panel data crosscountry regression with following structure ($y$ as a drug addiction rate of the country, $x$ as number of homeless of the country and $m$ as HIV infection rate of the country)...
Rub_n's user avatar
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2 votes
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Dummy variables interpretation in multiple regression

If I have the following maximum model in an analysis: $y = b_0 + b_1 x_1 + b_2 x_2 + b_3 x_3 + b_4 x_4 + b_5 x_5 + b_6 x_6$ where $y$ = home price $x_1$ = number of rooms $x_2$ = number of ...
Penguin3's user avatar
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What to do in a multinomial logistic regression when all levels of DV are of interest?

I am running a multinomial logistic regression. The outcome variable is categorical with seven levels. The predictor is binary. Very briefly, the experiment is such that I am asking whether a ...
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