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Questions tagged [clumping]

Clumping refers to values tending to come in round numbers. For example, people may report their weight rounded to the nearest 5 pounds or kilograms, or their income rounded to the nearest thousand dollars.

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2 answers

Accounting for spatial clumping when determining the variability of a sample

I am looking for a way to account for the spatial clumping/clustering/ in my data. My data comes from 50m line transects. For each transect I recorded the grass height at 2m intervals, giving me 25 ...
James's user avatar
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1 answer

How to measure "clumping" in workload

I'm trying to come up with a succinct measurement of the dispersion of employee effort in a services firm. All employees work on projects. Hypothesis: the fewer projects an employee works on in a ...
Steve Lane's user avatar
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1 answer

Clustering Algorithm for labeled data

This is more of a theoretical/solving an argument sort of question. Assuming I have a bunch of data point with 11 features I consider relevant about each point and 2 "labels": one is a boolean label (...
George H's user avatar
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1 answer

Preprocessing data distinguishing extremely clustered numerical from discrete/categorical data

I have a data set of approximately 70 features and I would like to train a classification model on them. The features are characters on one hand that I would definitely model as factors and numerical ...
Richi W's user avatar
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Alternatives to a one-dimensional Poisson process [closed]

Say I have "arrival" times in what may or may not be a Poisson process. I can think of at least three ways in which it can deviate from a Poisson process: Clumping. One arrival is likely to be near ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar