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445 votes
5 answers

How to understand the drawbacks of K-means

K-means is a widely used method in cluster analysis. In my understanding, this method does NOT require ANY assumptions, i.e., give me a dataset and a pre-specified number of clusters, k, and I just ...
KevinKim's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

Clustering with K-Means and EM: how are they related?

I have studied algorithms for clustering data (unsupervised learning): EM, and k-means. I keep reading the following : k-means is a variant of EM, with the assumptions that clusters are ...
Myna's user avatar
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35 votes
1 answer

Difference between standard and spherical k-means algorithms

I would like to understand, what is the major implementation difference between standard and spherical k-means clustering algorithms. In each step, k-means computes distances between element vectors ...
user1315305's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

Perform K-means (or its close kin) clustering with only a distance matrix, not points-by-features data

I want to perform K-means clustering on objects I have, but the objects aren't described as points in space, i.e. by objects x features dataset. However, I am able ...
mouse's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

If k-means clustering is a form of Gaussian mixture modeling, can it be used when the data are not normal?

I'm reading Bishop on EM algorithm for GMM and the relationship between GMM and k-means. In this book it says that k-means is a hard assign version of GMM. I'm wondering does that imply that if the ...
Eddie Xie's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Do I need to drop variables that are correlated/collinear before running kmeans?

I am running kmeans to identify clusters of customers. I have approximately 100 variables to identify clusters. Each of these variables represent the % of spend by a customer on a category. So, if I ...
Ashish Jha's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Are there any non-distance based clustering algorithms?

It seems that for K-means and other related algorithms, clustering is based off calculating distance between points. Is there one that works without it?
user154510's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Why do we use k-means instead of other algorithms?

I researched about k-means and these are what I got: k-means is one of the simplest algorithm which uses unsupervised learning method to solve known clustering issues. It works really well with large ...
Gold Skull with Pattern's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

K-means: How many iterations in practical situations?

I don't have industry experience in data mining or big data so would love to hear you sharing some experience. Do people actually run k-means, PAM, CLARA, etc. on a really big dataset? Or they just ...
foo's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is it true that K-Means has an assumption "each cluster has a roughly equal number of observations"?

A lecturer claimed in a recent class that "K-means assumes that each cluster includes a roughly equal number of observations." However, when I searched online, there is conflicting information ...
xji's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

When should I use k-means instead of Spectral Clustering?

From the image linked to below, it looks like when the data actually consists of K isotropic clusters, Spectral Clustering does as well as K-means. But for other, non-convex clusters, Spectral ...
user3279453's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Stopping condition of K-means

I know that K-means algorithm stops when the cluster assignment does not change or just changes a little. Apart from that, and defining the maximum number of iterations, is there any other stopping ...
foo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Extremely near centroids in k-means?

In the k-means algorithm, what happens if two of the initially chosen centroids are extremely near to each other? Say I have two centroids c1 and c2, and d(c1, c2) ~ 0, i.e. the distance between c1 ...
lebowski's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Automating determination of number of clusters from a kmeans cluster analysis

I use kmeans for clustering a set of data. However, I have to specify the number of clusters. The problem is that sometimes I need 2 and other times I need 3 clusters. Is there a clustering algorithm ...
user2721's user avatar
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2 answers

Jenks Natural breaks - Interpreting Goodness of Variance Fit

I am trying to find breaks in a multiple continuous type variables. So, I tried the jenks natural breaks algorithm. Based on the code from here, I managed to find ...
The Great's user avatar
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K-means calculate MSE in Weka

I am doing some clustering analysis with Weka and decided to apply the k-means algorithm (the clusterer SimpleKMeans). On my first analysis I ran the algorithm with 2 clusters. Then, after finding ...
Gonçalo Peres's user avatar
2 votes
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k-means with binary variables

I have converted all of my features to binary variables. now I have 21 features in my data set. I am trying to cluster them with k-means. I used Hamming distance in order to measure the distance ...
Adel's user avatar
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1 answer

silhouette score vs Distortion score

I am working on segmenting my customers with clustering. My dataset size is 7315 rows and 30 features. So, as a beginner to clustering, I passed all my 29 features (excluding id column) to the cluster....
The Great's user avatar
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Clustering related areas with k-means in WEKA

I am trying to cluster related areas of knowledge. A sample of my file is: ...
c.uent's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Clustering with 3 attributes

Please bear with me because I am very new to data mining. I have a database of 3 attributes: latitude, longitude and temperature. I want to find clusters for the temperature data and I also want to ...
Erol's user avatar
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1 answer

Find all possible clusterizations

I need help to find all possible clusterizations via the k-means method in Python. Let's assume for simplicity that I have the following table: height | weight | country of origin (X/Y/Z) | flag (1/0) ...
LJG's user avatar
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1 answer

What hypothesis should I have for k-means clustering?

I am wondering if we can just run k-means clustering without any hypothesis to find the optimal clusters or finding the optimal clusters are the hypothesis for K-means clustering? What hypothesis ...
user122358's user avatar
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Understanding the quality of the KMeans algorithm

After reading Unbalanced factor of KMeans, I am trying to understand how this works. I mean, from my examples, I can see that the less the value of the factor, the better the quality of KMeans, i.e. ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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1 answer

How to perform Normalization on Call Details Record to perform k-Mean Clustering

I'm new to data mining and currently doing mining project on telecom customer segmentation (based on profile and call details record). I have gender, age, call time and call duration and have to ...
nKandel's user avatar
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1 answer

Distance function that captures both circular and "appear as line" clusters [closed]

based on what I know in k-mean clustering, if i use single linkage distance it can capture clusters of thread shapes but it is not suitable for capturing circular clusters. Also If we use complete ...
user368884's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Comparing clustering stability over period of time [duplicate]

Suppose I am applying K-means clustering on two datasets generated by same process. How to compare clustering stability over a period of time? Let's say I have applied clustering in 2016 on a data set,...
Artiga's user avatar
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0 answers

Clustering Techniques

I'm a little new to data mining and would definitely appreciate some tips. I'm using clustering algorithms looking for possible grouping in some variables described below. I've been using the Excel ...
user2995020's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Feature selection in clustering

I am looking for a method for feature selection in Gaussian Mixture Models. I have a dataset with 2000 records and 40 variables. I tried to use the "clustvarsel" package in R, which use the BIC as ...
Fabio's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to compare the distributions of variables within clusters?

I used K-means to cluster 15k data points composed of 5 quantitative features scaled between 0 and 1. I would like to compare the distributions of the features within each cluster, and also compare ...
Karl Alexius's user avatar
0 votes
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Comparing kmeans cluster

I have 150 images, 15 each of 10 different people. So basically I know which image should belong together, if clustered. These images are of 73 dimensions (feature-vector) and I clustered them into ...
Yeshi's user avatar
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-1 votes
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k-medoids algorithm with incomplete distance matrix

I want to apply k-medoids algorithm using an incomplete distance matrix as input. How can I handle the lack of information of this matrix? Just ignoring the missing distances? Or is there a better way?...
bigTree's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Meaning of this Cluster Analysis

I have 801 households (or customers). I have say 100 features on which I will describe a customer. I have a feature map with me. I now apply K Means algorithm for the value of K say 6. I get 6 ...
jaig's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

k-means nstart equivalent for EM Clustering? Report only the best solution from a large number of initializations?

In K-means clustering, you can specify an nstart=i parameter, which performs the algorithm i times (i.e. selects the initial k random centroids i times) sand reports the best answer only. If I perform ...
Carmen Sandoval's user avatar