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Jenks Natural breaks - Interpreting Goodness of Variance Fit

I am trying to find breaks in a multiple continuous type variables. So, I tried the jenks natural breaks algorithm. Based on the code from here, I managed to find ...
The Great's user avatar
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Why not link features instead of selecting them - Clustering

Currently, I am working on customer segmentation using their purchase data. I plan to use clustering techniques. So, my data has below info for each customer (9 features and 1 id field) Now I am ...
The Great's user avatar
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K-Means clustering - upper bound for number of iterations

Suppose we run the K-means clustering algorithm on a one-dimensional dataset, i.e. $p = 1$, so that each observation consists of a single real number. We assume that these real numbers are distinct. ...
Iamtrying's user avatar
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KMeans clustering - can inertia increase with number of clusters

I am doing kmeans clusters on sales data and i see that inertia increases for the initial increase in the number of clusters. Can you please explain why that happens? I am doing Batched Kmeans for the ...
maamli's user avatar
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In k-means clustering, why sum of squared errors (SSE) always decrease per iteration?

In k-means clustering, why sum of squared errors (SSE) always decrease per iteration? How can prove it by mathematical derivation of formulas? k : number of clusters m : number of examples $c_h$ : ...
RobinCruise's user avatar
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Would the result of a K-means clustering run with k = 27 equal the result of three "sub-runs", with total K = 3^3^3?

Suppose I want to try two K-means clustering methods. In the first one, I set k = 27, the algorithm converges, and I get some result set of centroids Y. In the second method, I want to do three "sub-...
boot-scootin's user avatar
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Performing k-means clustering on a set of lines

I have a set of lines (y = numbers between 1 and 100, x= discrete) that I am trying to cluster to group similarly-shaped profiles. I have found that the profiles seem to cluster the cleanest when ...
NWaters's user avatar
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Proof that points change clusters less often as iterations proceed in k means

Is there a way that to prove the following: In k-means clustering, as the iterations proceed, the data points tend to stay in their existing clusters, overall, because the replacement of the centroid ...
Jeyhun Karimov's user avatar
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Statistics or probabilities associated to each cluster in order to predict if a future datapoint is member of its nearest center

Suppose we have a classical k-means where iteratively each datapoint is assigned to its nearest center. After a certain time, suppose that we change the dataset by another similar dataset containing ...
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