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the metrics that can be used to characterize and further compare different histogram [closed]

There is a set of different data set, each of which corresponds to a histogram. Are there any metrics that can be used to characterize the shape of each histogram, and further compare different ...
user3269's user avatar
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How to plot a marginal histogram correctly? Why is my plot different to the one in a textbook? [duplicate]

Chapter 1 of "Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective" by Kevin Patrick Murphy gives this figure (fig_1), and says this is a pairwise scatter plot on iris dataset. The diagonal plots the ...
JJJohn's user avatar
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Python: "Normalizing" kde, so it always lines up with histogram

In Python, I am attempting to find a way to plot/rescale kde's so that they match up with the histograms of the data that they are fitted to: The above is a nice example of what I am going for, but ...
Coolio2654's user avatar
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How to produce a normalized cumulative histogram?

I am having trouble understanding the proper method to calculate specific histograms, specifically with regard to cumulative and normalized histograms. If I want to calculate a normalized cumulative ...
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How to get insights from an amalgamation of histograms

I want to see how the age of road traffic accidents victims change throughout the year. Ive done this by amalgamating lists of the ages of victims from 05-16 and created a histogram for each year. Ive ...
newuser's user avatar
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Label on the y-axis in a normalised histogram

If you have a histogram with frequency on the y-axis and bins for different ranges of values on the x-axis, then it is reasonable that the label on the y-axis should be frequency. But if these ...
user1506145's user avatar