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Maximum likelihood estimator for minimum of exponential distributions

I am stuck on how to solve this problem. So, we have two sequences of random variables, $X_i$ and $Y_i$ for $i=1,...,n$. Now, $X$ and $Y$ are independent exponential distributions with parameters $\...
Ryan Simmons's user avatar
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9 votes
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Intuition about the coupon collector problem approaching a Gumbel distribution

The coupon collector's problem Let there be $n$ different types of coupons and we try to collect all of the types. We do this by independent random draws of coupons in which each type of coupon has an ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Linearity of maximum function in expectation

I was solving an exercise for a probability theory course and stumbled upon the following problem. Given a continuous random variable $X$, and $\max(a,b) = a$ if $a > b$ and $b$ otherwise, is $$ E[\...
Mikhail's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Variance of Minimum and Maximum of 2 iid Normal

Let $X$ and $Y$ be iid $\sim Normal(0,1)$ Let $A=max(X,Y)$ and $B=min(X,Y)$ What are $Var(A)$ and $Var(B)$? From simulation, I get $Var(A)=Var(B)$ approximately 0.70. How do I get this ...
user164144's user avatar
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Maximum of a set of values from given mean and median

The arithmetic mean and median of $5$ distinct natural numbers are both $7$,what may be the maximum of the $5$ numbers? Here we see that the median is the $3rd$ value.Also the sum of the numbers is $...
priyanka's user avatar
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5 votes
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$N \sim \text{Po}(\lambda)$ and $X_1,X_2,....,X_N$ are iid and independent of $N$, what is distribution of $Z_N = \max \{X_i\}_{i=1}^{N}$

I think the title covers most of my concerns. The distribution of the $X_i$ does not really matter, I am just experiencing difficulties in finding an expression for $$\text{Pr}(Z_N \leq x) = F(x)^N$$ ...
WorseThanEinstein's user avatar
5 votes
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Extreme value theory: show that $ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}a_n $ exists and is finite

Well known facts in extreme value theory: Let $\{X_i\}_{\forall i \in \{1,...,n\}}$ be i.i.d. random variables with cdf $F$. If there exists $\{a_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}>0$, and $\{b_n\}_{n\in \...
Star's user avatar
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4 votes
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Convergence in probability of minimum

This is a homework problem. Suppose we have a random sample $X_1,\ldots,X_n \overset{iid}{\sim} F$ with density $f(x) = 2(x-\theta)$ for $x\in (\theta,\theta+1)$. Let $X_{(1)} = \min{\{X_1,\ldots,X_n\}...
bdeonovic's user avatar
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3 votes
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Joint distribution of a random variable and the sample maximum

This is one necessary part of a slightly larger problem, but this part has me stumped. We have that $X_1, X_2, ..., X_n\stackrel{iid}{\sim} U(0,\theta)$. What is the joint density of the first ...
Revin's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Determine density of $\min(X,Y)$ and $\max(X,Y)$ for independently uniform distributed variables

Two independent random variables, $X$ and $Y$, are uniformly distributed on the unit interval $(-1,1)$. Determine the density for $U=\min(X,Y)$ and for $W=\max(X,Y)$
Michael's user avatar
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Distribution of extreme values, case of uniform

Question: For $U_1 , \dots, U_n$ i.i.d. $U \sim \mathrm{unif}[0,1]$, we want to find the asymptotic distribution of $Z_n = n(1-U_{(n)})$ where $U_{(n)} = \max(U_1 , ... , U_n)$ I found this: ...
rannoudanames's user avatar
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Maximum A Posteriori Estimate

The formula for calculating the MAP estimate of a particular parameter, $p$, is given by the following: $p^{MAP} =$ argmax $P(p)P(p|x)$. Now I am trying to do a question where I am told the prior ...
user11128's user avatar
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Show that $nX_{(1)}$ is not consistent

Consider a random sample from exponential distribution with mean $\frac{1}{\theta}$. I have to prove that $nX_{(1)}$ is not consistent for $\frac{1}{\theta}$ . A sufficient condition for consistency ...
Harry's user avatar
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P(X<Y|Z=t) where Z=min(X,Y)

Lets X and Y be uniform random variable where $x \in [0,a]$ and $y \in [0,b]$ where a < b. We design $Z=\min(X,Y)$. I know that the CDF of Z is $P(Z<z)=1-\frac{(a-z)(b-z)}{ab}$ And by ...
will198's user avatar
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Proof for the p.d.f of minimum and maximum of a sample

The following is a question from a past paper for one of my university statistical inference modules, and I know how to use the formula for each the max/min, but Assume that the sample $X_1, X_2, ....
Henry Wilde's user avatar
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Proving the convergence of the maximum of Uniform Distribution

I have a random sample of size $X_1, X_2, .., X_n$ following $U(0,2)$. I need to prove that $X_{(n)}$ which is the maximum ordered statistics will converge to $2$ in probability and almost surely. I ...
userNoOne's user avatar
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probability distribution of the maximum

Let T be a random variable giving the time to failure of led lights that follow exponential distribution with a mean value of 15 000 hours. We put three new lights at the same time. Find the ...
user218698's user avatar
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Extreme value theory for detrended series

I'm reading "An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values" by Stuart Coles, and using the pyextremes package for exploring the data which is time to return (in days). After ...
watss's user avatar
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Tail-equivalence implying same domain of attraction

Suppose two distributions F and G that have the same extreme point ($x^F = x^G$) and $$\lim_{x \to x^F}\frac{\bar{F}(x)}{\bar{G}(x)} = c \in (0, \infty)$$ Show that F and G belongs to the same domain ...
lemonoid1870's user avatar
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Find the limiting distribution of $(bn)^{-\frac{1}{\alpha}} X_{(n)}$

let $\{X_n\}_{n\geq 1}$ be a sequence of i.i.d random variables with common distribution $F$, and write $X_{(n)}=\max\{X_1,\cdots , X_n\}$ , $n=1,2,\cdots$ (a) for $\alpha >0$ , $\lim_{x\rightarrow ...
Masoud's user avatar
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Convergence in Probability of the minimum

This is a homework question. I think I have the correct answer, but I am not sure. Also, the wording sounds very awkward. Is there a better way to show this (or better way to word this)? Let $X_1,\...
bdeonovic's user avatar
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1 vote
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Asymptotic Distribution of Minimum Uniform Random Variables

I've been working on this problem for a while, and I've made some progress, but I'm still stuck on some parts. I was hoping to get some assistance with this! Let $M_n = \min(X_1, ..., X_n)$ where $...
theDerivative's user avatar
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Question regarding Extreme Value Theory and finding the distribution of X(n)

Hello stats stack exchange, I have a question regarding Order Statistics and the asymptotic distribution of $X_n$ which is the rv for max($X_1$, $X_2$,...,$X_n$) where $X_i$ are from some distribution....
Kazusa's user avatar
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Probability density function of the sample maximum of a random variable

According to my book, for a random sample $(X_1, \ldots, X_n)$ from a continuous distribution with p.d.f. $f(x)$ and c.d.f. $F(x)$, the p.d.f. of the maximum of the sample is $g(z)=nf(z)[F(z)]^{n-1}$, ...
Mathmathmath's user avatar
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Expected value of maximum of $n$ iid exponential random variables [duplicate]

I was recently playing around with this distribution. Let $Y_n \sim \max_i X_i$ where $X_i \sim \exp(\lambda)$. Then the well-known result $$ f_{Y_n}(y) = \lambda n e^{-\lambda y}(1-e^{-\lambda y})^{n-...
Gregory's user avatar
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Distribution of maximum of sample means

Let $X_1, ..., X_n$ be a sample from $N(\mu, 1)$. Fix $1 \leq m<n$ and define $$T_i= \frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_{j=i}^{i+m-1} X_j,$$ for $i \in \lbrace 1, ..., n-m+1 \rbrace$. We have the test that ...
Avijit Dikey's user avatar
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Normalising constant of the Gumbel in extreme value theory

Well known facts in extreme value theory: Let $\{X_i\}_{\forall i \in \{1,...,n\}}$ be i.i.d. random variables with cdf $F$. If there exists $\{a_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}>0$, and $\{b_n\}_{n\in \...
Star's user avatar
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What is the meaning of McFaddens Axiom: Irrelevance of Alternative Set Effect?

On page 110 of McFadden,1973 - Conditional logit analysis of Qualitative Choice Behavior, Frontiers in Economics, ed Zarembka, New York: Academic Press, pp. 105-142 the following three Axioms are ...
Druss2k's user avatar
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maximising a linear model function with unknowns

If i have this linear model $$Y_{i,t}=\gamma_t(x_i)+v_{i,t}, v_{i,t} \stackrel{iid}{\sim}N(0,\sigma^2), i=1,\ldots,m.$$ $$\gamma_t(x)=\beta_{1,t}+\beta_{2,t}\frac{1-e^{-\lambda x}}{ \lambda x}+ \beta_{...
lileo's user avatar
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Finding the PDF of Y, where Y = min X

Have $ X_{1},X_{2},\cdots,X_{10}$ random sample from a distribution with PDF: $$ f(x;\theta) = e^{ - (x- \theta) },\, \theta \leq x \lt \infty $$ Know that $ \hat{\theta}_{MLE} = Y = min(X_{i},\;i=...
Math R'tard's user avatar
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New question based on an existing question on Minimum and Maximum of N(0,1) [duplicate]

This question is an additional question to the given posted here: Variance of Minimum and Maximum of 2 iid Normal Let $X, Y$ be independent $N(0,1)$ and let $M=Max(X,Y)$. In the previous problem, ...
user164144's user avatar
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Estimation of an exponential parameter

I´m trying to figure out the pdf $f_\min(X_i)$ of $\min(X_i)$, where the distribution of the sample $X_1,...,X_n$ is $\mathcal{E}xp(\lambda)$, where $\lambda$ is the unknown parameter. I tried with ...
Ben C.'s user avatar
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