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Questions tagged [humor]

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387 votes
85 answers

What is your favorite "data analysis" cartoon?

Data analysis cartoons can be useful for many reasons: they help communicate; they show that quantitative people have a sense of humor too; they can instigate good teaching moments; and they can help ...
65 votes
3 answers

Explain the xkcd jelly bean comic: What makes it funny?

I see that one time out of the twenty total tests they run, $p < 0.05$, so they wrongly assume that during one of the twenty tests, the result is significant ($0.05 = 1/20$). xkcd jelly bean ...
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194 votes
80 answers

Statistics Jokes

Well, we've got favourite statistics quotes. What about statistics jokes?
12 votes
2 answers

Are there any “esoteric” statistic tests with very low power?

Background In computer science, mathematics, and sometimes in other fields, “esoteric” examples cannot only be entertaining, but helpful to illustrate certain concepts, for example: Bogosort and ...