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1 answer

Transformation of features in KMeans when maximums and minimums are different?

I have some questions about KMeans that I would like to discuss. I have several features, the minimum and maximum values ​​between columns vary, so I applied the "MinMaxScaler" ...
user140259's user avatar
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When to use K-Medoids instead of K-means

When it's better to use K-Medoids rather than K-Means? Can anybody give some examples of dataset for the same?
user9855045's user avatar
3 votes
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Assign new data to a cluster (using Gower distance and PAM algorithm)

I have a dataset which has mixed data types and hence I used Gower dissimilarity matrix as input to cluster the data using Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm. I wanted to know if there is any ...
ANP's user avatar
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Deterministic Methods to Initialize K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering Methods

I am looking for effective and deterministic methods to initialize K-Means and K-Medoids algorithms. There is a great answer in Methods of initializing K-Means Clustering yet most of them has some ...
Royi's user avatar
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Understanding PAM - why is it greedy?

I've been studying k-medoids for a while but i can't understand the first step or BUILD step: in particular i can't get how the initial medoids would be "greedy". I'm not much confident with the ...
perseo's user avatar
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2 answers

SSE for K-means and K-medoids

I am trying to understand given same data set and same K - will the SSE of K means be higher than K Medoids or not. both try to minimize the SSE and K-medoids is more robust to outliers - does it mean ...
Hawk's user avatar
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How to select a single updated centroid if multiple centroids are equidistant for a single group when running k-means/k-medoids?

I am trying to write my own k-means and k-medoids clustering algorithms. I understand the general idea: given k centroids, one continually updates the centroids ...
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Graph clustering for balanced sum of absolute deviations within each cluster (same sum of intracluster distances)

I'm given a set of points and a distance matrix. With these I'm trying to develop an algorithm similar to k-means that tries to minimize the sum of distances from each cluster datapoint to it's center ...
johk95's user avatar
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2 answers

Clustering Categorical Data

I want to cluster a data set where all variables are categorical. Which would be more effective for doing so, k - means or k - medoids? The data set is linked below.
asasas's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

how to classify input image using clustering algorithm such as k-mean?

I want to classify cifar10 images using a clustering algorithm (k-mean). Each image in the cifar10 dataset has a label, so, the results must be a set of labels which are corresponding to the test ...
AAA's user avatar
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Difference between Medoid and Centroid [duplicate]

For a certain dataset, I am finding the k closest points in my dataset to the centroid of the dataset. Are these k points the k medoids or are medoids something completely different. If so, is there ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why use K-medoids for sequence analysis?

In the package WeightedCluster there seems to be facilities for using K-medoids clustering (i.e. wcKMedoids()), but not the more ...
histelheim's user avatar
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Covering 2D data by m squares (alternative to k-means)

Let us have some data $x_i\in\mathbb{R}^2$ for $i=1,\dots,n$. Let $m=1000$. Let a small number is given, e.g. $m=5$. The goals is to cover $n$ data by $m$ squares of the same size. The size shall be ...
Karel Macek's user avatar
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Silhouette value after normalizing a variable and re-clustering

I have a non-normalized variable and other normalized variables and I make a clustering with k medoids (or k means). If I let the first variable non-normalized, I get better results in terms of ...
Railectric's user avatar
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Clustering issues

I have a list of electrical feeders. I want to cluster them by their topological characteristics: voltage level, total length, % of underground cable, state of the neutral. I first made a manual ...
Railectric's user avatar
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Compare clustering results based on intra cluster similarity

I am working on a project for my university. A part of this project is to compare the influence of PCA on clustering. Therefore I have a football player dataset that contains a feature called "...
Kewitschka's user avatar
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More consistent medoids from Lloyd's algorithm?

I wrote an implementation of Lloyd's algorithm in Python and was running some tests. My data set is 1D (specifically dealing ...
noahnu's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can silhouette be calculated with distances to centroids, instead of pairwise point distances?

I am using Silhouette cluster validation for each repetition (for a specific K) of k-means, k-modes and k-medoids. All the definitions of Silhouette I see calculate the distance of each point to ...
Fabio's user avatar
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2 answers

Finding cluster number based on distance & max element count

Given two constraints: The maximum distance d an element can lie from a cluster centroid (or medoid) The maximum number of elements n in one cluster Is it possible to find the minimum number of ...
sophistry's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

An example where the output of the k-medoid algorithm is different than the output of the k-means algorithm

I understand the difference between k medoid and k means. But can you give me an example with a small data set where the k medoid output is different from k means output.
tubby's user avatar
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Streaming K-medoids

Mahout, Hadoop machine learning library, contains an implementation of Streaming K-means algorithm that is based on the following paperworks The Effectiveness of Lloyd-Type Methods for the k-Means ...
Kobe-Wan Kenobi's user avatar
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How to compare clustering algorithms of numerical and nominal data

I have a dataset for clustering including numerical and nominal variables. I would like to compare the k-means and k-medoids clustering algorithms and I would also like to find the optimal k-value (...
Nab's user avatar
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k-means clustering why sum of squared errors (why k-medoids not)?

K-means clustering uses the sum of squared errors (SSE) $E = \sum\limits_{i=1}^k \sum\limits_{p \in C_i} (p-m_i)^2$ (with k clusters, C the set of objects in a cluster, m the center point of a ...
dominic's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What is the benefit of using Manhattan distance for K-medoid than using Euclidean distance?

Please give me the reasons. I didn't find any k-medoid example that's calculation is done using Euclidean distance. All examples are made of Manhattan distance for k-medoid.
MD MOHIBULLA's user avatar
4 votes
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Cluster analysis without knowing the structure of the data set

I’m working on a task regarding cluster analysis for about half a year now, but since the fields of pattern recognition and cluster analysis are quite complex ones, I would call myself a beginner in ...
Leonard's user avatar
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K-Medoids swapping inside clusters

I'm a bit confused with concept of K-medoids. It seems that original algorithm (PAM) describes that swap step should be performed by swaping only one of the medoids with one non-medoid point from ...
Kobe-Wan Kenobi's user avatar
2 votes
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K-means++ like initialization for K-medoids

Does it make sense to use initialization in K-medoids like in the case of K-means++? To be precise - is it good to select "farthest" points as initial medoids? (farthest in sense that points that are ...
Kobe-Wan Kenobi's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Clustering based on large Jensen-Shannon Divergence distance matrix

I have a dataset with large number of features and about 15 000 observations. I’m using a probability distribution distance metric related to Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) to cluster the ...
Andres Kull's user avatar
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Bisecting K-mediods [duplicate]

Is there an algorithm like Bisecting K-mediods and what would its advantages/weaknesses be? It seems to me that it could be used well in combination of Dynamic Time Warping for clustering time series....
Kobe-Wan Kenobi's user avatar
2 votes
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Spectral clustering using techniques other than k-means?

In Spectral Clustering, the algorithm suggests performing K-means to $k$ eigenvectors of the resulted Laplacian matrix. Can I use other clustering algorithms such as k-medoids or other non-distance ...
H_A's user avatar
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Partitioning Around Medoids

I have a question regarding Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) clustering algorithm, because everywhere I look, it is described differently. In every step of the algorithms do I swap only one medoid or ...
user1315305's user avatar
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