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How can I compare one group to the mean of all other groups in a longitudinal mixed-effects regression?

I have a longitudinal mixed-effects regression comparing change in depression between two timepoints across 12 groups. I'd like to know if the control group is significantly less effective in reducing ...
Benji's user avatar
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Correction for multiple comparisons using sum contrasts with linear regression

I am computing the following model using the lme4 package in R: ...
Pearson's user avatar
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Contrasts in logistic regression using R

I am trying to use contrasts in a logistic regression using the lme4 package. I have two between-subject categorical variables (both with 2 levels). The first distinguishes between groups 1 and 2; the ...
Florent Wyckmans's user avatar
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changing the coding system from helmert coding to difference coding changes regression results?

EDIT: I think I have mistaken the names of the coding systems, so I changed it (in bold). The content has not changed at all, though, so I would still appreciate any answer. END EDIT I'm running ...
Galit's user avatar
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How to interpret sum contrast in regression (LMM)?

I am having difficulty understanding how the results from Linear Mixed Effects model. I am examining the three different types of learning condition, condition A, B, and C. My formula using Lme4 ...
user8460166's user avatar