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2 answers

R: How to fit a linear mixed model with a custom covariance structure for two random intercepts

Suppose I have a dataset with repeated measurements on q clusters. I want to fit an LMM with two random intercepts, on the same cluster, with a non-diagonal covariance structure on the random effects (...
Giora Simchoni's user avatar
4 votes
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Major discordance between uncertainties estimated by `predictInterval()` and `bootMer()` for binomial GLMM with cloglog link

We have been using predictInterval() from the merTools package to bootstrap uncertainty for binomial GLMM models (complementary ...
Karthik Thrikkadeeri's user avatar
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Mixed effects models with only categorical data?

This is my first time trying to run any type of mixed effects models. I have a dataset where I was instructed to use some form of mixed effect modeling (lme4 package) to see if functional traits of my ...
Katherine Chau's user avatar
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Characterize interaction effect from binomial glm

I have made a binomial glm which describes how a complexity score (integer value 0-5) and an experimental treatment (factors A,B,C) affect a ratio of successes to failures (x, y) (both x and y are ...
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Confidence interval for GLMM

I am conducting a GLMM for my bachelors thesis and I am wondering, how I can calculate and whether it is common to report confidence intervals for the models' estimates. This is the model I fitted on ...
Johanne's user avatar
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How to fit a GLMM with multiple levels of nesting

I have some data I am struggling to process at the moment. I have landed on using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), but I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around it. I have a large ...
Joseph's user avatar
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2 answers

Model selection for glmer in R

I am trying to make a model for the different amount of species caught in different traps in 3 different locations on 3 height levels, along with 3 transects per location (resulting in 9 traps per ...
Fréderick Lescouhier's user avatar
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Choosing different random effects structures for mixed-effects models with multiple response variables in R

I'm working on a project where I have two response variables of animal behaviour: one is count data (Poisson distribution), and the other is proportion data (Binomial distribution). I constructed GLMM ...
Paritosh ahmed's user avatar
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glmer problems in seeing all variables

I am trying to run a binomial glmm to understand the relationship between various concentrations of a compound sensed by different castes of ants. We have 5 different compound concentrations (a-e), ...
Allyssa Hinkle's user avatar
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Added more data and suddenly GLMM fails to converge (R)

I have a dataset where I randomly sampled housing developments, and then within these I systematically sampled every habitat patch. I now have a dataset where each observation is a patch_ID, and I ...
sirianmckellan's user avatar
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Error: PIRLS loop resulted in NaN value in GLMM (glmer) model with Gamma distribution

I have a problem fitting a GLMM model with a Gamma distribution (my outcome variable is strictly positive and right-skewed) and an identity link using glmer in R. ...
Maeldun's user avatar
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Solutions to a 'singular fit' in generalized linear mixed-effects models

What are common causes of a 'singular fit' in generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs), especially when including random intercepts for grouping variables? When using the ...
Wagathu's user avatar
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Linear Mixed Models: Testing the significance of a random factor using ranova() on the ouput of lmer() in R

We have a dataset with a response (dependent) numeric variable called "CTIR", a fixed (non-random) independent/explanatory numeric variable called "Temperature" and a random factor ...
user avatar
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How to account for yearly variation in data both between and within individuals in R (lme4)?

I'll try to make this as brief as possible. I am working with binomial attendance data (0 = absent, 1 = present) for seabirds at a breeding colony. There are ~300 birds that contribute ~60 days of ...
NeedHelpWithR's user avatar
5 votes
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Repeated measures within participant

I'm trying to learn linear mixed effects models and how to estimate them using the R package lme4 and I am confused about some aspects. I have a dataset where a ...
A. Donda's user avatar
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Modeling or data error causing large standard errors in GLMM (lme4) with repeated measures

The aim: I am trying to investigate the difference of COPD incidence in participants in stratified age groups of alcohol consumption debut. The dataset: I have a dataset of approx 4700 participants ...
Mathias Therkelsen's user avatar
3 votes
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What to do when the residuals of a general LMM are non normal and a generlized LMM will not build, when is it just too non-normal?

I've been having no luck building a general LMM. The residuals are not normally distributed, they follow somewhat of a leptokurtic distribution and homoskedacity is also present. Using log ...
user3256536's user avatar
3 votes
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Summary output of binomial GLMM shows significant effects, but graph shows overlapping CI error bars?

I have run this binomial GLMM: ...
NeedHelpWithR's user avatar
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Overdispersion in GLMM with binomial distribution

I am getting acquainted with statistics and R and got stuck with my model. I am hoping someone could give me some insight on how to overcome overdispersion in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). ...
Denise 's user avatar
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How to specify a linear mixed model (LMM) for a repeated measures design with two categorical predictors and one continuous?

I would appreciate some help figuring whether a linear mixed model (LMM) is a good choice for my data. My experiment is a 3 (neurostimulation target) X 2 (task block) repeated measures design that ...
arhopki's user avatar
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Faster version of lme4 for logistic regression 3-level multilevel model in R with 2 million data points

I'm running a 3-level multilevel model in R with binary outcomes and survival analysis with over 2 million data points. The lme4 package takes 12 hours to run one ...
user19890826's user avatar
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Inverse and log function get opposite results in GLMM - which one to pick?

I am trying to fit GLMM in R where we predict reaction times (RTs, dependent variable) by a continuous, uniformly distributed variable called scores (independent variable); the random effect is the ...
user9361's user avatar
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Model failing to converge with LMER

I want to predict the relationship between the number of groups a person belongs to and their overall well-being (totalwell). However, I would like to consider the possibility that a person could ...
Tessa's user avatar
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How do I use the glmer function properly with my data in R

I have a set of around 23k rows of data. It is a set of animal movement lengths (dist), going from 0 to several thousand, with the majority being around 50 to 100. The data doesn't have a normal ...
eldritchmayo's user avatar
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Minor over-dispersion: reasonable to proceed with standard poisson GLMM?

I am using a Poisson GLMM with glmer() from lme4 package in R. My data is ecological count data, and the model has one random ...
hannahdv35's user avatar
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Can I test the difference between subjects in a GLMM?

I have the following GLMM model (using R with the lme4 package): resp ~ condition * level + (1 | subject) I have a clear difference between levels and I would like ...
P. Vauclin's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to use GLMM for the dataset I have

I am interested in determining the influence of biotic (initial height) and abiotic (light, canopy, soil moisture content, soil nutrients, rainfall, and temperature) factors in the absolute height-...
Dyanna's user avatar
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Can I do multiple binomial tests seperately of each other?

in the experiment the subjects had to choose between answer A and answer B in 3 different settings. The question is, if there is a significant preference for answer A in any of the settings. Can I ...
Fiona Gharamber's user avatar
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lme4 GLMM model failing to converge

This is the type of vague question that's likely to get downvoted, but here we go... I am trying estimate a logistic panel regression to estimate the probability of experiencing a disease before and ...
Tom Wagstaff's user avatar
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lmertree: Partitioning factor with too many levels?

I am new to lmertrees. I am having trouble analyzing how individual stimuli in my data clusters together on the basis of how some participants answered to them in three different conditions. My code ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Problem with finding good model fit using glmer()

I have a dataset of measurements of "Y" at different locations, and I am trying to determine how variable Y is influenced by variables A, B, and D. I also have another variable, C, that may ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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Effect size for fixed effect variable with >2 levels binomial glmm (lme4)

I have a mixed effects model with a binomial outcome which I constructed using glmer from the lme4 package in R. In the output ...
becbot's user avatar
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Mixed effects logistic regression type model in R - GLMER problems

I'm doing a project where I have students listen to 7 stimuli (all students listen to the same 7), and then say for each one whether that stimuli sounds more like PALM or TRAP. There are two groups of ...
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3 votes
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How to specify random effects in logisitc mixed effects regression with multiple observations per subject but only 1 outcome per ~50 DV measurements?

I have a dataframe that looks something like this: Each subject got somewhere between 40-120 lesions in a given procedure, and I want to know which dependent variable was associated with "injury&...
myfatson's user avatar
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GLMM model formulation with a partial "subcondition"

I am modeling reaction times in a GLMM using the lme4 package. My data have the following structure: Subject ID Reaction times (RT) Distractor type (Type): (3 levels): moving - static - no distractor ...
KrisBae's user avatar
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How to interpret the random effect of a random slope model?

I designed an experiment to observe the shading effect in the distribution of 2 species of crabs through time. So basically I have 4 levels of shading (no shade, 20%, 50%, and 80%) with 7 ID to each (...
Fabio Sanches's user avatar
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What should i use lme or glm? (Biostatistics, diversity) [duplicate]

I am trying to work on the data of my master thesis. I have to create some model, but I am stuck due to my lack of knowledge in statistics (I am working on it). My data are 58 sample points each has ...
Sneakex's user avatar
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Random effects are not centered in mixed effects logistic regression model

Random effects are usualy modelled as normally distributed with zero mean. Thus I would expect that the mean of the estimated random intercepts is close to zero. However, in my example this mean is ...
wo20's user avatar
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Generalized Linear Mixed Model: Random slope inverts effect

I struggle with the analysis of my very skewed data with linear mixed models in R. Since the original data is for actual research, I can't share it with you, but I have created a fake dataset, that ...
Daniel Schulz's user avatar
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What distribution to use for left-skewed data in generalized linear mixed models (for use with structural equation modelling)?

I'm trying to run a GLMM with a response variable that is left-skewed. Eventually this model will form part of a piecewise structural equation model (using piecewiseSEM). I have data from 480 plots, ...
LvG's user avatar
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Meaning of the weight argument in glmer and lmer

I have been looking into how to use the weight argument of glmer/lmer to represent "frequency" weights. I was ...
matteo's user avatar
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glmer (lme4) vs meglm (Stata)

I'm trying to fit a binomial GLMM, but I'm ending up with very different results between lme4 and Stata. In R, I'm running ...
ragreener1's user avatar
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Generalised Linear Mixed Model Diagnostics using DHARMa

I am running a GLMM in R in lme4 package, the outcome variable is binary and the 10 fixed effects are a mix of categorical and continuous variables. The models have three random-effects. I am using ...
AhmadMkhatib's user avatar
6 votes
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Interpretation of binomial GLM (glmer) with interaction and results description

I would like to confirm if I am analysing the results of my model correctly and get some advise if I am missing something! I conducted the following model to analyse factors that describe the feeding ...
Catarina Toscano's user avatar
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GLMM - binomial

I am rather new to R. I am trying to run a GLMM - binomial logit. I have three independent variables (x1, x2, x3) and a dependent variable (...
Sharon's user avatar
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Plot the probability (success) of a binary variable from coefficients of a GLMM?

I have developed a GLMM (Mixed Generalized Linear Model), as you can see in more detail [here] (Is it correct to evaluate differences of a binary variable between different places with a GLMM?) ...
biologistor's user avatar
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Converting LMM to GLMM

I've fit my model using lme (in nlme, R). However, this is not normally distributed. Taking the log of the outcome variable ...
Nancy's user avatar
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GLMM with ex-Gaussian distribution function (trial-level reaction time data)

I am trying to use GLMM in R to fit a mixed-effects model (three categorical predictors, one continuous predictor) to trial-level reaction times from a group of participants. The reaction time ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Doubts about the use of Cross-Validation in GLMM

I've recently ask in statckoverflow about some doubts with logistic regression fitted with a GLMM and an user recommend me asking in this forum. So, here it goes. I work with a wild population of a ...
papavientos's user avatar
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Gamma GLMER Error: PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate

I am attempting to run a GLMER with a gamma function in R. Here is my code: ...
Lizzie Yarwood's user avatar