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12 questions from the last 30 days
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lmerMod vs lmerModLmerTest - what are the differences and which is correct?

I have three trials, want to know if the order of trial affected the outcome. I was checking my work with ChatGPT and noticed a discrepancy between their results and mine. This is the dummy code from ...
CAA's user avatar
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R: How to fit a linear mixed model with a custom covariance structure for two random intercepts

Suppose I have a dataset with repeated measurements on q clusters. I want to fit an LMM with two random intercepts, on the same cluster, with a non-diagonal covariance structure on the random effects (...
Giora Simchoni's user avatar
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Estimating mixed model with identical response value but different covariate values within a pair

Say we have a dataset with individuals. Each individual performed a task, either in solo or with another individual (variable condition), and we measured the ...
antvan's user avatar
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Fitting a Nonlinear Mixed Model

I’m trying to fit a nonLinear Mixed Model (nLMM) to test whether the abundance of certain organisms was affected by the sampling period after an event that caused a significant increase. The data show ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Major discordance between uncertainties estimated by `predictInterval()` and `bootMer()` for binomial GLMM with cloglog link

We have been using predictInterval() from the merTools package to bootstrap uncertainty for binomial GLMM models (complementary ...
Karthik Thrikkadeeri's user avatar
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Opposite results using Bayesian (STAN) vs Multilevel model (nlme). How is this possible?

My datasets contains the median wages and the cumulative installed wind-capacity for 4000 counties over a period of 20 years. The wages tend to rise over the period and the capacity tends to highly ...
user442239's user avatar
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LMEM - When is it okay to not treat repeated measures as a random effect? And other related questions

Design: I have 3 groups, each subject was tested 3 times (3 trials) per time point, on three different time points. The Independent variables are: Group (A,B, or C), Trial (1, 2, or 3), and Time (0, 2,...
CAA's user avatar
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simr Failing to Run, "observed power calculation"

I am analyzing simulated delay-discounting data. The response variable is reaction time in milliseconds. K is the scaling factor describing how much value is affected by delay. College Year is from 1-...
asphodelash's user avatar
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Nested design with fixed and random effects: Is my R model correct?

I am trying to analyze a nested experimental design in R, but I am unsure whether I am approaching it correctly. I have a following data: Set Sample Repet. Response 1 1 1 y1 1 1 2 y2 1 2 1 y3 1 2 ...
Carrot's user avatar
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How can I get the population variance from a mixed model?

I supposed it is a basic question, but I'm stuckle on it and I can't find the solution. I have a date base with the slurry dry matter content from different pig production stages (CATEGORY), also, ...
RoBeDo's user avatar
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Statistical Inquiry. Overdispersion issue or abundance of 0s

Trying to go over some data and its half presence absence while the other half is count data. The model I've been working on lately is a mix of lmer and glmer.nb as that seems to be the approach for ...
Pvy's user avatar
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DHARMa bootstrap testOutliers unexpected p-values

I am checking the assumptions of multiple univariate logistic mixed models each with a predictor and covariates. Due to the following error: ...
be_nice's user avatar